31745 records found
Tiny fragment, possibly literary. Mentions the holiday of Shavuʿot.
Recto: accounts in a crude hand. Verso: letter, in a different hand. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: draft of a letter or petition, with numerous honorifics in both Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew or Aramaic: רבאנו אלמולא . . . אלאמין אלצדר אלריש . . . שרף אלדין אבן אלמולא אלקאטי עמיד. So perhaps the addressee is titled Sharaf al-Dīn and his father is a qāḍī titled ʿAmid [al-Dawla]. There are also some jottings in Arabic script. On verso there are Hebrew writing exercises (הקץ עצל). (Information in part from CUDL)
Bill of sale for a female slave, probably. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. (Information in part from CUDL and from Craig Perry.)
Letter in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. There are many elaborate titles on recto. On verso mentions "the people of knowledge' (ahl al-ʿilm) and mentions a certain Yaʿaqov. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter from Yosef b. Araḥ. Small fragment (upper right corner of recto). Mentioning a Ḥaver. (Information in part from CUDL)
Legal document dated Av 1486 of the Seleucid Era (= 1175 CE), mentioning [...] b. ʿAbdallah and the elder al-Asʿad. (Information from CUDL)
Letter from Barhun b. Musa al-Tahirti, probably to Nahray b. Nissim. Probably in February 9, 1053. Mentions collecting debts from Kamel and b. Hajaj, which also Barhun b. Salah wrote about it to Barhun b. Musa. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, #345) VMR
Marriage contract (ketubba). Fragment: upper right corner. Dated: [..]51 AM. Groom Ḥalfon ha-Levi. THere is a cryptic note on the back: כלף לכולה.
Recto: possibly part of a commentary; references are made to gold- and brass-smiths, and to objects made of engraved gold; quantities of 100, 40, 50 and 6 are mentioned. Verso: ketubba. (Information from CUDL)
Letter to a Ḥaver. (Information from CUDL.) The portion preserved here deals with business matters (right margin and upper margin).
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions sal ammoniac (nushādir), something sieved (mugharbal), and tartar (ṭarṭara). There are enormous numbers at the bottom (possibly headed 'what was purchased from Nānū'): 13,500 and 35,600.
Letter from Mevasser. In Hebrew. Small fragment from the ending. Ends with a ḥazaq.
Letter fragment (part of the beginning). "...before reading it, and [the slave] thanked God for the health of his master. The slave had gone up to Fustat on Sunday, seeking to serve the master, but did not find him." ASE.
Letter in the handwriting of Yefet b. David. In Judaeo-Arabic. Addressed to "the Raʾīs." Dated: 13 Adar I (no year). He says that "we attended the majlis of Abū l-Faraj Ṣemaḥ al-Nasi b. Asa (אסא). The continuation is missing. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Recto: list of books and names of persons currently holding them. Verso: address. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: possibly accounts, entitled ‘work in the synagogue’. Verso: two names: [...] b. Abraham and [...] b. Hilāl. (Information from CUDL)
Memorial list, probably. Recto and verso are in two different hands.
Small fragment. Unclear what this is. There is a prayer for annulling evil decrees, and then mention of the Nesiut (so perhaps a letter/petition addressed to a Nasi).
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions items the sender found in the house but was afraid to 'come up' (probably to Fustat) with them. Then mentions "I/she weakened" and something better than a ewe (naʿja). He reports on prices: something for 90, fūl for 60, and barley for [...]. Greetings to the sender's paternal uncle and to Abū l-Surūr and his family/wife. (Information in part from CUDL)