31745 records found
Three lines from a letter to a high official with titles such as "sharaf al-umarāʾ" and "ʿaḍud al-mulūk." Reused for jottings in Hebrew, Judaeo-Arabic, and Arabic script.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or 12th century. List of names, commodities and amounts, in a very crude hand. Some of the names: Abū Shalib(??), Muḥammad, Abū Yaʿqūb, Ibn Mardūkh, Ibn Bakhtyar, Abū l-Rajā, Abū Bakr, Abu Nuṣayr, Fityān. AA
Receipt for the capitation tax of Zayn b. Hiba in New Cairo.
Business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Mentions the date 16 Dhū l-Qaʿda 597 AH = 18 August 1201 CE. Mentions people such as "Salām(a?) al-Maghribī who sellsme Sicilian cotton... the friend of the ʿIrāqī... Abū l-Yāsir the Christian (al-Naṣrānī) who lives in the alley of al-Karma... Yūsuf al-Wāsiṭī... a Sicilian coppersmith (ṣāniʿ nuḥās siqillī)... sayyid ʿUthmān... ʿImrān b. Makārim who collected money for a fine blanket (malḥafa rafīʿa)... Sulaymān al-Yahūdī and Sitt Ziyāda... ʿAlī in New Cairo... [...] al-Yahūdī Ibn al-Maqdisī
Receipt for someone's capitation tax in Fustat for the year 6[..] AH (approx. 13th century CE). Needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Account in Arabic script, looks fiscal. Needs examination.
Business memorandum in Arabic script. The layout resembles a state document. (Same genre: ENA 3957.11, T-S Ar.35.269, and T-S AS 184.265.) Very similar to but in a nicer hand than T-S AS 184.265, also for the same ʿArūs (b. Yūsuf) al-Urjuwānī (the purple merchant). Dated: 502 AH. Mentions a bale of lac among other goods. At upper left: "min dār al-shaykh Abī l-Ḥasan....." Needs further examination. ASE
Fiscal account. Needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Recto: Items such as fruit (fākiha) and either a bath (ḥammām) or a pigeon (ḥamām), with numerals underneath. Verso: Names such as Barakāt, Hiba, Ṭāhir, with numerals underneath.
Letter in Arabic script. Fragment (lower part only). In lines 2–3 there is a report on the illness of a woman, who is now doing better (wa-lākin mā hiya illā qad aṣābat al-ʿāfiya). Then from line 5 to the end, there are greetings to numerous people, including Sayyid al-Ahl someone's brother-in-law and to 'my masters the judges' (al-dayyānīn). Merits further examination. On verso there are magical names in Judaeo-Arabic, apparently the names of spirits/jinns/demons of the clouds (? saḥabī): Maymūn, Zawbaʿa, Shamhorash (cf. T-S AS 145.71), Saydūk (cf. T-S Ar.51.95, which has a drawing of Maymūn Ghulām Saydūk), al-Aḥmar, al-Abyaḍ, al-Mudhahhab.
List of names in Judaeo-Arabic, with numbers and some Arabic script. Crude hand. Alms distribution list? E.g., Manṣūr, Ibn Fuḍayl, Sitt Ṭāwūs, the sister of Yaʿaqov, Umm Yūsuf, Mukhtār, Ibn Shekhanya.
Account in Arabic script.
Probably a tax receipt. Needs examination.
Receipt of some kind. The sum named is 1/2 dinar. Dated: Possibly 13 Ramaḍān 490 AH, but this should be checked. The payment seems to have been owed and paid by the tax farmer (ḍāmin) for the revenue from a waterwheel (sāqiya) which broke and had to be replaced (taḥwīl). There is probably at least one place name given. Four names are mentioned: Ḥusayn al-Khamīrī, ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd al-Najjār (the carpenter who repaired the waterwheel?), the qāḍī [...] Ḥamīd b. Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. Abī ʿAbdallāh, and the tax farmer himself ʿAbdallāh b. Ibrāhīm. On verso there are accounts. Needs further examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Likely early Ottoman-era.
See PGPID 20635
Parts of documents - needs examination.
Jottings of a document - needs examination.
Jottings of documents - needs examination.