31745 records found
List of foods and amounts: taro, egg, onion, chard and cilantro. Shopping list? Omelette recipe? ASE/MR
Legal fragment. None of the body of the document is preserved. Witnesses: Zekharya b. Sar Shalom; Natan ha-Kohen b. Ef[rayim].
Legal fragment. Deed of gift of sacred books (מצחפין אלתורה אלכבאר ואלכתיב אלכאמל... אלמצאחף).
Legal document. Mentions something or someone small (הקטנה) and possibly a name. Hard to discern any specific details of the case. Mentions the year 146[.] Seleucid, which corresponds to the range 1148–58 CE. Witnesses: Nissim b. Avraham; Shel[omo b. ....].
Legal document, small fragment.
Ketubba, small fragment. Location: Fustat. The bride is [...] bt. Berakhot.
Legal document. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Involves Yeshuʿa b. Menashshe ha-Levi (named int he penultimate line).
Document in Judaeo-Arabic. Small fragment. Type and significance unclear.
Document in Arabic script. Possibly a letter or legal document. Faded and damaged.
Legal document, small fragment. The beginnings of 6 lines are preserved. Possibly in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, probably of a Maghribī trader of the 11th century. The last three lines are in a different ink and different hand. The sender opens with sympathy for a distressing event. On verso, mentions the departure of a boat (iqlāʿ hādhihi l-qārib) and names such as Abū Zikrī and Abū l-Faraj.
Legal fragment. In Hebrew. This is a small piece from the bottom (includes the phrase בנימוסי מלכותה). Signed by [...]n b. Yaʿaqov.
Ketubba fragment. Tiny piece from the upper right corner, containing part of the superscription (בנחשא טבא) and part of the date (Wednesday 1[...]).
Note in Judaeo-Arabic conveying instructions about what to do with the quires and two dirhams. Prefaced with 7 lines of Hebrew (praises for the addressee?).
Legal fragment. Very faded. Involves various sums/transfers of money.
Marriage-related document, small fragment. Only a few words are preserved:ועל ירתי בתריי לאגבויי לאנתתי דא מכל שפר ארג.
Small fragment, probably a document. In Arabic script. Very faded/damaged. Needs examination.
Legal fragment. Small piece from the upper right corner. Possibly a ketubba? Opens with the date (a Wednesday in the year [..]18). Location: Fustat. Not much else is preserved.
Legal fragment. The beginnings of ~11 lines are preserved. Mentions various valuable items, such as a jūkāniyya. Possibly a dowry list?
Legal fragment. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Involves someone known as Ibn Naḥum, a woman, and her father's house.