31745 records found
Responsum/letter regarding different versions of the Tosefta, mentioning Fustat, Damascus, and Babylonia. Verso: "This letter pertains to the venerable elder Shela b. Nissim." See FGP for further information by Amir Ashur.
Letter from Eliyyahu ha-Kohen “Beit Din” b. Avraham from al-Raqqah to Ya’aqov he-Ḥaver b. Yosef, Aleppo, ca. 1030. The writer thanks the addressee for taking care of the his son, Amram, while he visited Aleppo. Eliyyahu mentions his satisfaction from his status as a judge in three communities in his town (probably the Iraqis, Shamis, and Qaraites), from his acceptance by several heads of Yeshivas in Iraq and the Exilarch (Rosh ha-Gola), and from his good relationships with the Qaraite community and the town governor. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, #73) VMR
Legal document, Qaraite. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: Sunday, 24 Kislev 5553 AM = Rabīʿ al-Thānī 1207 AH, which is December 1792 CE. Avraham Levi Ḥazzan b. Yaʿaqov Levi Maṣliaḥ known as Ḥītī purchases the two Raḥamim prayers 'and their haftaras' and half of the Hallel from Yosef Kohen Gabbay b. Shelomo Kohen known as [...]. The price was 1100 medins (niṣf fiḍḍa). Present at the court session were Yom Ṭov b. Nissim Ḥazzan known as Berakha; Yeshuʿa Fayrūz b. Eliyyahu Fayrūz; Moshe b. Elʿazar; Yosef b. Elishaʿ. Witnesses who signed underneath: Yosef Kohen b. Nissim Kohen known as Khaznī Dimashqī; Aharon Fayrūz.
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. Very neat. Mentions a Jewish man named Fayrūz many times, and at one point he is called "al-Qaraʾ al-Qāhirī (the Qaraite Jew from (New) Cairo). The main commodities mentioned are cloaks (milḥafa) and flax/linen (kattān) sometimes together with the adjective musarraj(?). Also mentions the amounts still owed to the wife of Ibn al-Musallaḥ. The term 'mutajaddid' (renewed?) appears several times. (Information in part from Goitein's index card.)
Fragment of a power of attorney in Arabic script. No names or details seem to be preserved. Reused on recto for Hebrew literary text.
Petition or at least a formal letter in Arabic script. Portions of 11 lines are preserved. Many polite formulae are preserved, but unclear how much of the substance. Reused on recto for Hebrew poetry. Needs further examination.
Astronomical or calendrical text/tables in Persian. There are also a couple of words in Hebrew script.
Arabic poetry. On parchment. Looks old, perhaps 10th century or earlier. Contains the following verses by al-Imām al-Shāfiʿī: فمن لي بهذا] ليت أني وجدته لقاسمته ما لي من الحسنات تصفحت] إخواني فكان أقلهم على كثرة الإخوان أهل ثقاتي Underneath a variant of: وزمت] مطايانا إلى برزخ البلى وساقت بنا سوقا حثيثا فأسرعت On the facing page, possibly an excerpt from a letter or a letter formulary.
Literary (siddur of Seʿadya Gaon). But listed in the India Book as an Abū Zikrī Kohen order of payment—another shelfmark must be intended.
Accounts, including sums of money and names such as Isma'il and Jacob. (PGP 1.0/FGP) Fragment of a list containing various sums of money. EMS
List, representing notes of an official, probably in a small locality, about doles handed out to him on Passover. Part I, Pesiqat Pesah ('pledge drive for Passover'). Part II, 'what I earned on the Holiday,' apparently representing partial payment of the pledges mentioned in Part I. Other writing (upside down) includes what may be a request for a prescription for weak eyesight. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 465, App. B 99 [dated to 1200-1240])
A letter from Faraḥ b. Ismaʿīl, probably in Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat, 5 June 1056. Deals mainly with financial matters, mentions bills of exchange, a letter sent to Ibn al-Baʿbāʿ, and sending a pouch containing 83 1/2 dinars as cash. Also talks about a sale of tin and reports the arrival of a ship from Palermo with worthless goods. (Information from Gil)
Four pages of a report of expenditures, written in large Arabic characters, made by the cantor Abu Sahl for repairs in the Muhra house. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 2:433) EMS
Trader's letter concerned with the sale of commodities, in which the addressee is asked to send 'the boy' to Abu l-Hasan. Judeo Arabic. Only part of the address in Arabic on verso. AA
List of forty-five contributors, mostly referred to in an abridged and informal way, with coptic numerals. Ca. 1235. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 503, Appendix C 117)
List of 45 contributors, mostly referred to in an abridged and informal way, with Coptic numerals. Ca. 1235. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 503, App. C 117)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen, advising the elder Munajjā to give out three ūqiyyas of rose and lemon (preserve). (Information from CUDL)
Awaiting description
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen, advising the elder Munajjā to give out three ūqiyyas of lemon and rose drink. (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen, advising the elder Munajjā to give out two ūqiyyas of rose and lemon preserve. (Information from CUDL)