31745 records found
Investment agreement (ʿisqa). Dated: Adar I 5562 AM, which is 1802 CE. In which Joya bt. Yehuda Ashio invests 100 riyāls with Meir ben Naʿim for a period of 6 months. Signed by: Gedalya [...], Meir ben Naʿim, and Yiṣḥaq Zamiro. AA. ASE.
Damaged late letter or draft of legal document. Ishaq Toledano is mentioned. AA
Fragment from the end of a letter by Abu Ali. On verso (should be recto) what seems to be the poetic opening verses of the letter. AA
Small fragment from a letter. The hand looks like Hillel b. Eli. AA.
A list of an unidentified nature. few letter in Arabic. AA
Small fragment from a list of items, might be a dowry list. Name: Sayyid al-Ahl b. Abū l-Munā. Dated: Monday, 16 Tammuz 1438 Seleucid, which is 1127 CE. Might be written by Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen.
Small fragment of a letter from Yosef b. Avraham, a merchant of Aden, to a certain Abū Saʿīd (likely Abū Saʿīd Ḥalfon b. Netanel ha-Levi). Only the poetic opening (in Hebrew) and the address (in Arabic) are preserved. The wording of the address is similar to those of other letters sent from Yemen to India, so plausibly this letter could have been sent to Ḥalfon during his time there. (Information from Goitein and Friedman, India Book IV; Hebrew description below.)
Top portion of a court record from the court of the Nagid Avraham Maimonides (r. 1204-1237), witnessed on Tuesday the 16th of the month of Adar in Fustat. On Avraham Maimonides, see S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 2: 39-40 and 5:476-77; on cases brought before his court see Mediterranean Society, 1:88, 255, 366, 491; 2:397; 3:72.
List of names and the weekly Parasha, probably the people who will read it in the synagogue. Year תקנד= 1793. AA
Exorcism. In Hebrew. Late. The spirit of Nissim b. Bunya is commanded to leave the body of Qamr bt. Ruḥama, and it is decreed that he will have no further power over her or over Yosef Moshe b. Sara.
Small fragment from a list of commodities such as קרפה in a very crude hand. AA
Draft of the beginning of a letter addressed to Eliyya de Suares. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 18 Av 5592 AM = 14 August 1832 CE. At the bottom of the page there are sums in eastern Arabic numerals. On verso there are jottings. AA. ASE.
A list of an unidentified nature in a very crude late hand. Arabic numerals. AA
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (Iower left piece of recto). The content is unclear. Excerpts: "...his brothers, and he took one of the cloaks (milḥafa/malaḥif)... a deed from Muslim courts (? ḥijja ʾumot), and the matter is up to God the exalted... the animal driver (mukārī) and the sale of the lead (bayʿ al-raṣāṣ)... soon with an explanation of all this... to the knowledge of Rabbenu Yosef... al-Daryānī(?), I hope that... preoccupation... the sister of the judge sent... Yaḥyā(?) and did not give me anything, and there's nothing I can do... Yaʿaqov...." AA. ASE.
Letter addressed on the verso to a certain Abu Ibrahim Ishaq, dated in the month of Marheshvan (the rest of the date is missing), and mentioning equipment of a weaver's shop, including components of a loom. The author also conveys personal regards from Yeshu'a and Musa.
Address on the verso of JRL SeriesA 659-1, a letter to Abu Ibrahim Ishaq regarding weaving equipment and conveying greetings.
Late list of names and numbers in Arabic numerals. Probably a list of debts or payments. AA
Letter expressing regret and perhaps dissatisfaction for failing to meet with the addressee, with whom the author intended to spend 'night and day', while they were both in Fustat. On the verso, JRL SeriesA 668-1, the addressee conveys greetings to a number of acquaintances, including an Abu Sulayman Dawwud and an Abu Ishaq b. al-Tuzi; the latter may be the same person who appears in a legal document dated in the middle of the 12th century, see T-S8J5, f. 15
Document containing blessings for the caliph al-Hafiz li-din Allah (1131-1149 CE). See also see T-S NS 110.26. (“Prayers from the Geniza for Fatimid Caliphs, the Head of Jerusalem Yeshiva, the Jewish community and the Local Congregation,'' in Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica, Presented to Leon Nemoy...Bar-Ilan University, 1982, 49-58) EMS. NB: This description corresponds to some other shelfmark.
Letter in which the author, who calls himself 'Mansur,' expresses his feelings of longing for the addressee and conveys greetings to him from a certain Mujawwid b. Siqillī and possibly others. The verso is blank.