31745 records found
Judaeo-Arabic translation or paraphrase of the story of Avraham and Avimelekh in Genesis.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic dated 28 Sivan '85, probably 5585, corresponding to 14 June 1825 CE. The writer is Nissim Sabbāḥ and the addressee is Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ. The letter contains news about someone who has died, and about someone else who has asked after the addressee.
Fragment of a deferential letter in Judaeo-Arabic preserving only the beginning and the address in Arabic script. The writer seems to be Abū l-Ḥasan and the addressee may be named Abū l-Faḍl al-[. . .].
Small fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter mentioning Abū Yaʿqūb and [...]b al-Ḥakīm.
Late account in Judaeo-Arabic.
Most of a late legal document in Hebrew in which Seʿadya Amaryo known as Simana (?) acknowledges that he owes 18 reales, equivalent (?) to 90 silver muayyadis, to his sister Tehila bt. Raḥamaim Amaryo.
Late account in Judaeo-Arabic, Arabic, and western Arabic numerals.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, a fragment preserving only the margin of recto and part of the address on verso. The writer may be named [...] b. Meshullam.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic. There is also a fragment of a text mentioning Kitāb al-Īmān by Rabbenu Hayya.
Fragment of a document in Judaeo-Arabic, significance unclear.
Most of a family letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Fragment of a letter in Hebrew from the second half of the 16th century, mentioning attempts to prevent a certain edict, in which R. Yosef Karo was involved (he is mentioned twice in this letter). Damascus is also mentioned.
Account of a parnas, ca. 1152. Details of rent collection, written in the hand of the Judge Hiyya b. Yiṣḥaq. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 269 #54)
Fragment from the beginning of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning that the addressee recovered (naqahtu) from an illness. Also mentions Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm [al-Q?]ābisī.
Order of payment to Abu al-Surur Kohen, probably Abu al-Surur Farah b. Yeshua ha-Kohen, from Abu Zikri (Yehuda b. Yosef ha-) Kohen of 13 and a half dirhams for almonds. Both men were involved in the India trade. This is one of more than 80 orders of payment signed by Abu Zikri. This document is part of the India Book corpus: V, 42b. (Information from S. D. Goitein and M.A. Friedman, India Traders of the Middle Ages, 14-15)
Small fragment from late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
A list of 10 of the books of the Mishneh Torah with a note underneath: [...] min ghayr al-khaṭṭ.
Recto: Engagement (shiddukhin) document for Moshe b. Nissim Ṭawīl and Simḥa bt. [...] ha-Levi known as al-ʿAjamī, dated August 1818 CE (Av 5578). Verso: Halakhic discussion in Judaeo-Arabic involving the annulling of vows.
Late accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.