31745 records found
A late letter from Yosef, asking to addressee to write a bill of permission to give a loan (שטר עסקא). In Hebrew. AA
A list of names with Arabic numerals- probably an account of debts? Late. AA
A list of names with Arabic numerals- probably an account of debts? AA
Ketubba fragment with an elaborate floral border pattern that was recorded in Fustat/Cairo (the location appears with the customary title "Fustat Mitzraim on the Nile River" (l.3). The bride's name is lost but her father's is Haim (l.5) and the name of the groom is Menahem al-Wārīs "אלואריש". Although the dowry's currency label has been lost, it appears to have been quite large given the remaining words "forty thousand". MCD.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic, in a cursive Maghrebi hand. Damaged. Deals with sums of money. Yosef is mentioned. There are also references to the Sicilian cities of Māzar and al-Madīna (Palermo). Also mentions the departure of the qāʾid Ibn al-Thumna (d. 1062) from Palermo (וקד רחל בן אלתמנה ען אלמדינה). AA. ASE.
Legal documents in Judaeo-Arabic related to real estate transactions that are dated 1784/85CE according to FGP. The list format of these documents suggests that the page may have once been bound as part of a broader court register. There is much damage to the fragment but on occasion the closing line of each document is clear enough that the Aramaic word "established / קיים" appears– which is a common term that seals a legal document. The first document on the verso is signed with a difficult calligraphic hand yet within the document's first line, the name Yehuda b. Mauza[?] is legible. In the following line the name Masʿūd "מסעוד" appears. MCD.
Late list of names, including many women.
Letter from Avraham Karyo, Hayyim Moshe Pianti, Rahamim Shelomo ha-Levi, and a second Pianti, in Hebrew, recommending a certain poor man for charity. There is one line in Judaeo-Arabic on verso.
Legal document dated 1728/9 CE (5489) involving the heirs and dependents of the deceased Eliezer Mayo. Shemuel ben Naʿim is mentioned in the first two lines, but his role is unclear. Eliezer left behind two sons, the elder named Yiṣḥaq Mayo, who lives at present in Livorno (? ליורני), the younger named Shelomo Mayo, who lives with his mother Judika (? גודיקא) bt. Moshe Mayo. Needs further examination.
Possibly a late letter in Hebrew. Rashid is named at the bottom. Needs examination.
Complete letter in Ladino.
Accounts in a late, neat hand.
Accounts for the week of Aharei Mot.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic on business matters.
Recto: Accounts, listing names of people and amounts of money. Verso: A sum of money is requested from Avraham Dayyan. (An Avraham Dayyan is named in JRL SERIES A 1203, dated July 1804.)