31745 records found
Letter from Musa b. Abi al-Hayy, from Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Around 1060. Regarding shipments of goods, mainly beads, linen, and lead. Mentions trading with al-Andalus. Musa b. Abi al-Hayy doesn’t want to risk sending all the goods and money immediately. It seems that Marduk b. Musa also participated in the writing the letter. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, #450) VMR
Fragment (upper part) of a Judaeo-Arabic letter to Avraham Maimonides from al-Muhadhdhab ha-Kohen b. Manṣūr (?) ha-Kohen. From the body of the message that remains, al-Muhadhdhab describes his distress on account of the tax he owes. 
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: advice for marriage. AA
Letter about an unexpected happy turn in a serious affair and about the farming out of a concession for bee-keeping (Abū l-Ṭayyib al-Naḥḥāl died and left behind him 300 hives). He also mentions in passing that he fell sick in Benha. Information from Goitein's note card.
Image not available. According to Schwarb Catalogue: a letter from 1644 regarding the death of a judge. AA
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Nissim M[...] to Karo y Frances & Company, dated 1807/8 CE.
Late letters or drafts of letters in Judaeo-Arabic. Titles used are khawāja and effendi. Needs further examination.
Late letter or drafts or records of letters in Judaeo-Arabic, on lined paper. May be a continuation of the preceding shelfmark (both contain poetic lines ending in "-mo" and are signed by a certain Yaʿaqov).
A document that has been folded twice. The outer face (pages 1 and 4) contains legal documents relating to business partnerships; a Moshe and a Yosef are named. The innner face (pages 2 and 3) is a long and clearly written legal document drawn up in Alexandria involving business partnerships, dated 1750 CE (Heshvan 5511). The occasion seems to have been the death of R. Shulam, a native of Rhodes who lived in Izmir for many years. His partners included Avraham Arukh and Nissim Provencal, residents of Alexandria, and Shem Tov al-Hadif (?) who is from Rhodes but presently in Alexandria. It seems the partners are now agreeing to transfer the partnership into the name of Yiṣḥaq Nemias (? נעמיאס) and Yosef Shulam. There are another 50 lines or so: merits further examination.
Letter in Ladino from Mordechai Mir to Avraham Crespin (or Krispin) in Cairo. Dated 15 Cheshvan [5]550 or 4 November 1789CE. A number of other individuals are mentioned, including: Fransis de Costa, Yiṣḥaq Tilio (Tiglio?), and someone with the surname Aghion whose first name is not mentioned (l. 8-10r). This is a brief letter in which the author is mentioning a variety of other correspondnence in connection with these individuals and the recipient Avraham Crespin. MCD.
Letter or letters. In Ladino. Dated: 29 Tishrei 5548 AM, which is 11 October 1787 CE. There are two blocks of text in two different hands. The first is from Mordekhay (or Martin?) b. Mir(?) to Carmen(?) de Curiel. The second mentions shipments of goods to Thessaloniki, Izmir, and France (l. 20f).
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Nissim M[...] to Karo y Frances & Company.
Late enigmatic document in Hebrew dealing with the praises of virtuous women, excerpting Talmudic discussions, and perhaps giving blessings to a specific woman.
Legal document from Rashid dated 1693 CE (1 Kislev 5454). Needs examination.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Menahem [...] to Nissim Meyuḥas.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Moshe ben Naʿim, Alexandria, to his brother David ben Naʿim, Cairo/Fustat. The copious blank space was reused for a literary work in Hebrew (Zohar? At least it seems mystical and quotes Rashbi).
Recto: late letter in Hebrew by Yehuda Leib Efendi to a respected person. Some geomancy markings at bottom left. Verso: Astrological diagram.
Late legal document(s) in Hebrew. Needs further examination.
Fragment of a letter in Hebrew, probably late.