952 records found
Literary work in Ladino.
Probably documentary. Written in very cursive Latin script.
Recto: Two lines of a Judaeo-Arabic letter perhaps to a community (al-jamāʿa al-sārra) with wide space between the lines. Verso: Literary work citing biblical verses.
Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter mentioning packages of paper and the writer's distress and confusion (al-inziʿāj. . . baqīt dhāhilan mutaḥayyiran. . .). Verso contains both Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic sections (in different hand than recto).
Small fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic letter, cut into a triangle. Verso contains literary text.
Small fragment of a legal document. "An event that occurred [before us witnesses]. . . ha-Nasi ha-Gadol. . . He said. . ."
Writing exercises.
Literary work in Spanish.
Literary fragment containing advice from a father to a son. Join: Oded Zinger.
Mostly blank, but part of one line in Arabic script remains.
Accounts fragment in Ladino and Judaeo-Arabic relying on alphanumerical figures and on the verso the term "soldi / שולדי" is in use likely indicating a specific coinage rather than its generic meaning in Italian as any type of money. MCD.
Writing exercises in Hebrew dated on verso 23 Iyyar [5]623 or 12 May 1863CE. The paper itself includes an internal line system which is reflective of production from the mid-nineteenth century. A portion of the phrase practiced includes "אם ילך כנימוס למחר". MCD.
Account in Judaeo-Arabic listing many materia medica and foods.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic mainly for materia medica.
Fragment containing some geomancy markings.
Fragment of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic.
Legal document. In Arabic script (and language). The handwriting is striking (diwani?). Appears to be dated 8 Ramaḍān 1053 AH, which would be November 1643 CE. There is a symbol of some sort on verso. Needs examination for content.
Arabic accounts.
Arabic (script) writing exercise.