676 records found
Book list. Most items are volumes of the Talmud. E.g., a commentary on most of Seder Moed by the Ẓarfatiyyim z"l, an Arabic commentary on the Psalms in four bound volumes. Ends with a note regarding a deceased man named Ezra b. Meir.
Legal document. In Hebrew with one phrase in Judaeo-Arabic. Location: Fustat. Dated: Thursday, 16 Av 53[3]7 AM, which is 1577 CE. Reconciliation of a marital dispute between Yosef Pico and his wife Esther bt. Shelomo קאגיגי. The agreeement is that Yosef will no longer beat his wife for any reason whatsoever, or insult or curse her or her parents. If he reneges on this, she will have the right to demand her ketubba payment in full in the Muslim courts "in the capital" (? פי אלעצמה). And he will have to give her the bill of divorce within 24 hours.
Calendrical table. The hand is late (maybe 17th–19th c) but the year is not immediately evident.
Bill of divorce, calligraphic. Only the last few lines are preserved.
Legal document. Location: Fustat. Dated: 1553 Seleucid, which is 1241/42 CE. The content is mostly missing, but some of it may be decipherable. Mentions Shelomo ha-Talmid b. Yefet; R. David; a virgin girl; R. Yosef; Moshe ha-Dayyan.
List of names. Tiqva ha-Kohen; Yakhin b. Yeshuʿa; ʿEli b. Shelomo; Elʿazar b. Araḥ; Berakhot; Avraham b. She'erit; ʿEli ha-Ḥaver(?).
Piyyutim with four lines in Arabic script afterward. Possibly poetry (anā l-gharīb alladhī. . .)
Late proclamation, on vellum, ornate, in flowery Hebrew, with remnants of a black and red illumination at the top of the page. It opens with an essay about how the ancestors bequeathed the legacy of dividing the community into three "mishmarot" and appointing leaders. A few lines above the large "Sason," it describes the noble and brave Shelomo Dammūhi and declares that he will be appointed the head of "our mishmeret," the third one, for the next three years, starting now in the month of Kislev, and all will obey him. 10 lines also survive on verso which are more difficult to decipher.
Legal document having to do with the ketubba of the groom Yosef. Signed by חטר (?) b. Shalem and Yosef b. Avraham.
Fragment of a calendar, including a table. Mentions the year 1667 since the destruction of the temple.
Ketubba for Yūsuf b. ʿIwaḍ al-Kohen and Ḥāliya bt. Yaḥyā Kohen. No earlier than late 17th century (perhaps 1696 CE = 2008 Seleucid).
Medical treatise. In Arabic script.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and western Arabic numerals. Late.
Legal formulary. Late.
Writing exercises. In Judaeo-Arabic. Late. The name "Yosef Frances" appears at the top.
Recto: Some sort of incantation invoking God's power and entities such as Metatron. In Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Verso: Geomancy.
The closing of a family letter in Arabic script from ʿAzīza to her daughter Zubayda, dated the 23rd of Sha'ban [ ]57. ʿAzīza sends regards to Zubayda's siblings, her husband Sulaymān, 'amm Ibrāhīm, and the teacher Khiḍr and his daughter ʿAwda (?). She particularly urges Zubayda and her husband to take good care of their niece Kaḥla. ASE.
Fragment in Arabic script. Reused for Judaeo-Arabic literary text.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Rhymed text (-kha) in Hebrew. By al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī. On verso there is similar text, perhaps a draft of a poem.