676 records found
State document, probably a decree. The fragmented line reads as "واما ما ذكره من دعا الخاصة". Hebrew liturgical text on recto.
Fiscal or administrative document containing the "addā" cipher.
Legal document, Mamlūk era, deed of sale, in a very faint and worn-off Arabic script. The document is dated to the last ten days (ʿushr al-ākhir) of Rabīʿ II 660 H and the word "اباع" indicates that the document is a deed of sale. Reused for Aramaic liturgical text on verso with some traces also on recto.
Devotional poem in Judaeo-Greek.
Responsa in the autograph of Maimonides.
Responsa in the autograph of Maimonides.
Biblical fragment in an old-Persianate Hebrew hand.
Single phrase of Arabic on verso "في ادوم غبطة". Reused for Hebrew script.
Approximately 13 verses of poetry from the poem of the renowned Arabic poet al-Mutanabbī (d. 354/955) "حاشا الرقيب فخانته ضمائره * وغيض الدمع فأنهلت بوادره".
Long state document with extremely large calligraphic Arabic script, probably used as a performative decree, which was later cut down and reused for Hebrew script. Roughly two words are preserved per line, the most readable phrase is "فوقع بتاريخ". Mamlūk period? Needs examination.
Fiscal register, dated 3 Dhū l-Ḥijja of an unmentioned year, mentions several sums of money (Compare AIU IV.C.453, T-S NS 243.75a, T-S NS 198.61, ENA 2886.1–7, T-S NS 71.64, T-S 8H22.18, Moss. IV,252.1, T-S NS 308.41, and possibly T-S Misc.24.106). Reused for Hebrew liturgical text.
Two pages from a single fiscal register, mentions the months Rabīʿ II, Ramaḍān, Shawwāl, Dhū l-Qaʿda, and a name ʿAbīd b. ʿUmar. Reused for Hebrew liturgical text.
Fiscal document, few lines of text, something to do with the release of funds. Probably dating to the Ayyubid period. Reused for Hebrew script. Needs examination.
Literary text, compilation of poetry (dīwān). A portion from the long didactic poem (originally of around 90 verses) stretching through five pages from the dīwān of ʿAlī al-Ḥuṣarī al-Qayrawānī (d. 1095 CE) on the rawī of mīm. The title of the poem is written towards the end of the poem and before the beginning of the second poem "qaṣīdat l-Ḥuṣarī wa-hiyā li-l-ʿasharāt wa-hiyā mā-bayna tisʿīn bayt ʿalā ʿadad l-ʾaḥruf". The second poetry is about love with the rawī of 'hamza', and its first verse is أَما لَكَ يا داءَ المُحِبِّ دَواء*بَلى عِندَ بَعضِ الناسِ مِنكَ شِفاءُ.
Legal queries addressed to Avraham Maimonides, probably in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi.
Greek or Coptic. Needs examination.