16354 records found
Awaiting description - see Goitein notes linked below.
Awaiting description
Legal agreement between spouses. In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Location: Fustat. The husband of Sitt al-Bahāʾ takes her to court to revisit the conditions under which he may take a second wife, because his livelihood forces him to stay in Cairo sometimes.
Lists of names and numbers. In Judaeo-Arabic. Contributors list? Mentions Yaḥyā al-Ṭabīb and Abū l-[...] al-Ahwāzī.
Small fragement from a legal document in Judaeo-Arabic. "...yaktub al-waṣiyya al-manfūdh... nataqābal ʿalayhimā... li-taqif ʿalā..." On verso it says "emet emet emet."
Letter addressed to Abū Yaʿqūb [...] b. Nissim. In Judaeo-Arabic. Small fragment. Mentions Yehuda Rosh Kall[a?]. Possibly a request for help or charity.
Small fragment with a few words in Arabic script.
Torn court record, probably a bill of release, between Abu Yaqub Yosef al-Hariri and Abi al-Barakat Yehoshu'a regarding a missing shipment of silk. A reference is made to שר השרים ונגיד הנגידים, probably Moshe b. Mevurakh (Date: 1112-1127). AA
Fragment from a business letter. The name Mubarak is mentioned. AA
Minute fragment from a legal document, probably written by Avraham b. Nathan Av, beginning of the 12th century. AA
Minute fragment from a letter.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Drafts of a testimony to the effect that Yeshuʿa b. Shelomo ha-Levi is a genuine Levi and that he used to be called up to the reading of the Torah in Jerusalem when no other local or foreign Levi was present. T-S NS J66 (mainly Hebrew) and T-S 8.161 (mainly Judaeo-Arabic) are versions of the same document. Location: Fustat. Dating: 1229 CE (based on the other version). This version contains no signatures. Underneath the draft, at 90 degrees, it says in Judaeo-Arabic, "Hey you, who are my master, sign this testimony. And peace. Shelomo wrote this." (Shelomo b. Eliyyahu) On verso (not transcribed) there are additional versions: two lines in Hebrew and one line in Judaeo-Arabic. And at 90 degrees, there are cryptic notes in Arabic script. In huge letters at the top, it says "yā sīdī" (same as the Judaeo-Arabic note on recto). Underneath, there is a difficult text block that includes a reference to sending a messenger. (Information in part from Goitein's index card). VMR. ASE.
Two torn fragments of a legal document between Abu al-Hasan Mevurakh and the heirs of Abu al-Faraj. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi who signed it together with Nathan Hakohen b. Shelomo and Avraham b. Shema'aya. Under the jurisdiction of Masliah Gaon (Date: 1127-1138). AA
See PGP 26574
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Legal document containing a request for a poor blind man and in the continuation, mentions a dispute with someone who had traveled between Byzantium and the West, who was in possession of merchandise belonging to the writer and who had a house taken over by or inhabited by "Ghuzz" (the Seljuk Turks). EMS
Probably Qalyūb; Iyar; May 1140 Yeḥezqel wrote this letter to his brother Ḥalfon who is staying in Alexandria. The letter is complete, but it has no address. The writer probably knew that the messenger would personally bring the letter to the recipient. The names of the writer and the addressee, whom he addresses as his brother, are therefore missing. Nevertheless, Goitein's assertion that it was Yeḥezqel who wrote this letter to Ḥalfon is certain based on the writing and the content. Some of the things that Yeḥezqel wrote about here are clearly related to the content of his other letters, especially Certificate ח64, ח68, ח69. (Information from Goitein and Friedman, India Book IV)
Letter conveying instructions from the Nagid on behalf of a female orphan, evidently the response to a petition. She has lost most of her father's estate through expenses. She should be placed 'under the care' of Abū l-Faraj b. Abū l-Ḥasan al-Levi. Everything that has been brought to Fustat should be returned. On verso there is an inventory of goods (left to her? for her trousseau?). (Information from Goitein's index card.)