T-S NS 338.95

Editor: Ed. Ṣabīḥ ʿAodeh, "Eleventh Century Arabic Letters from the Cairo Geniza‎" (in Hebrew), Te'udah‎ 14 (1998). Shelfmark incorrectly noted in article as T-S NS 388.95 https://humanities.tau.ac.il/sites/humanities.tau.ac.il/files/media_server/Jewish%20History/Teuda/Teuda-%20vol%2014-%20English/Teuda-%20Vol%2014-%2010-%20Aodeh.pdf; also ed. Ṣabīḥ ʿAodeh, "Eleventh Century Arabic Letters of Jewish Merchants from the Cairo Geniza‎" (in Hebrew) (1992); also ed. Moshe Gil, In the Kingdom of Ishmael‎ (in Hebrew) (1997), vol. 3.
Library: CUL
Type: Letter
Tags: aodeh