Tag: barhun al-taherti

4 records found
Legal document with testimony of Farah b. Yusuf Banuqa regarding shipments to Qayrawan, which were received by Barhun b. Moshe Tahirti.
Letter from Nahray b. Nissīm, Fusṭāṭ, to Barhūn b. Ṣāliḥ al-Tāhartī, probably in Egypt, ca. 1045, concerning business between the two. Mentions a shipment of pearls. Nahray sends his blessing to Khalfa, from the Tāhartī family, for his marriage to a woman from the Uqba family. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, vol. 2, pp. 711-714, #242). VMR. Nahray anxiously mentions to Barhūn that he has already paid the Amīr's emissary Abū Ishāq 150 dīnārs in Fusṭāṭ and it concerns him that the Amīr is still demanding the same from him in Alexandria. "If, God forbid, he continues to demand payment from you after he knows that it was already collected from me, then you will certainly remind him of his own letter to his emissary Abū Isḥāq, so that he will return to us what he has taken from us." YU.
Letter from Faraj, the emancipated slave of Barhun Tahirti, Qayrawan, to Yosef b. Awkal and his two sons.
Letter from Barhūn b. Mūsā ha-Tahirti, in Jerusalem, to Nahray b. Nissim, in Fustat. Dating: about 1045 (Gil). Business letter discussing trade in silk and linen, including with Byzantium.