Tag: karaite-rabbanite marriage

4 records found
Prenuptial agreement between a Karaite bridegroom and a Rabbanite bride, stipulating a fine to be paid to the Rabbanite and Karite poor by the bridegroom Abu Sa'id, scion of a family of Karaite bankers, should he break any of the stipulations of the contract.
legal document, mentioning the elder Abū Isḥāq probably relates to marriage agreement. The monogamy clause is apparent. צIt is possible to assume that the bride was Karaite, based on the term ואנה לא יחללהא[ת ...] ט (AA)
Ketubba or marital dispute resolution involving a Rabbanite wife and Karaite husband (Sarah bt. Efrayim and Yosef b. Avraham). Location: Fustat. Dated 24 Kislev 1364 Seleucid which is 1052 CE. The document states that the couple was married by means of a "Rabbanite ketubba" and that Yosef b. Avraham commits to respect the Rabbanite holidays. (Information from FGP). MCD.
Legal document. Prenuptial agreement in the hand of Halfon b. Menashse ha-Levi (dating: 1100–38) between a Rabbinate husband named Nathan ha-Levi and a Karaite wife, the daughter of Arah the elder. The wife is permitted to leave the house only for the well-known places (that is, the bathhouse and to visit her family). See Ashur, Engagement and Betrothal, p. 69, 120. 364. AA