Tag: toviyya b. eli

1 records found
Legal testimony (קבלת עדות). Location: the testimony was collected in Sunbāṭ and the document was drawn up three months later in Minyat Ashna. Dated: Middle decade of Iyyār 1459 Seleucid, which is May 1148 CE. Written by Ṭoviyya b. ʿEli ha-Kohen. Signed by Ṭoviyya and by Shela b. Yefet. Testimony of Berakhot b. Aharon ha-Mumhe ha-Kohen and Avraham b. Yiṣḥaq about the sequestering of the belongings of Rafāʾīl b. Abu Runa, probably a Christian, which were deposited with a Jew named Musallam b. Yiṣḥaq by a government official ("ustādh"). The story involves a mule and the denouncing of people to the government. (Information in part from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 488.) Join: Oded Zinger. OZ. ASE.