Tag: ladino

204 records found
Letter in Ladino from Av[raham?] Til[?] in Alexandria to Efrayim 'Ada in Cairo dated 11 March 1814 (19 Adar 5574). Within the letter David Dayan (l.3r) and Yosef Mir (l.7r) are mentioned. The latter name can also be found as the author of another Ladino letter: AIU IX.B.20. Later in the letter the sender might be referring to Yosef Mir again, when saying "lo ke ara al nuestro famozo Yosef" or "what will be done unto our famous Yosef" (l.10r). Generally there is discussion of payments possibly related to cloth "panyo" (l.6-7) where the types of coinage in use are silver "gurushim" (l.8r) and lower denomination "paras" (l.9r) There are also some sums (possibly accounts for goods weighed in ratl units) and names on the verso, among them Abu Bakhar al-Kabir and Abu Salama. MCD.
Legal document in Ladino, Hebrew, and Aramaic that affirms the signer's receipt of a sum of "pataqas" ("סומה די פטקאס") from Shemuel b. Yiṣḥaq de Ancona and Masʿūd Azulay (l. 1-3r). The document can be dated to 1772/1773CE through l.14r. This term "פטקאס" likely indicates coins of Spanish or Austrian mintage, such as a silver real or thaler, that are being sent to Alexandria: "y ditos siyen pataqas me obligo de mandarlos a No Amon [Alexandria]" (l. 3-4r). In lines 10-11r, the document code-switches primarily into Hebrew and its legal bearing is confirmed in the closing line with the Aramaic phrase "והכל שריר ובריר וקיים" (l. 14r). The document is followed by signatures that have been torn somewhat and have lost their clarity making it difficult to confirm who is confirming receipt of the monetary sum at the center of this shtar. The verso contains notes in Hebrew script left by a different hand than the recto. MCD.
Letter in Ladino and Hebrew addressed to Moshe Ruben dated 6 August 1754 (28 Av 5514). The sender's calligraphic signature is damaged and mostly illegible. The author has a strong command of Hebrew and code-switches into it more frequently than is commonly the case in Ladino letter writing. For example, following the heading, the opening lines of the body of the letter rely primarily on Hebrew and in l. 11r the writer switches when mentioning "הדיין המצויין יצחק נואני יצו... ולכל שירות" (l. 11-12r). In the following line the author mentions "our brother Eliyyahu Portos" which may mean "אחינו" is being used loosely rather than in the sense of direct familial ties between siblings (l. 13r). The letter's marginal section is damaged, likewise the address on this shelmark's fourth scan has deteriorated to the extent that it is not possible to confirm the letter recipient's location (though the latter portion of [No-Am]on may be visible indicating Alexandria. MCD.
Letter in Ladino sent from Salonica to Yaʿaqov Hanoko (? חאנוקו) possibly in Monastir (?). The name of the location of the addressee is not completely clear. It looks like מנצטרי. .
Letter in Ladino to Efrayim [...] dated 1806/7 CE (5567).
Letter in Ladino dated 27 December 1803 (12 Tevet 5564) from Moshe ha-Levi Karaso, Rashid, and Yaʿaqov ha-Levi to Yiṣḥaq de Curiel, Fustat/Cairo.
Letter in Ladino and Hebrew.
Letter in Ladino from Mordechai Mir to Avraham Crespin (or Krispin) in Cairo. Dated 15 Cheshvan [5]550 or 4 November 1789CE. A number of other individuals are mentioned, including: Fransis de Costa, Yiṣḥaq Tilio (Tiglio?), and someone with the surname Aghion whose first name is not mentioned (l. 8-10r). This is a brief letter in which the author is mentioning a variety of other correspondnence in connection with these individuals and the recipient Avraham Crespin. MCD.
Letter or letters. In Ladino. Dated: 29 Tishrei 5548 AM, which is 11 October 1787 CE. There are two blocks of text in two different hands. The first is from Mordekhay (or Martin?) b. Mir(?) to Carmen(?) de Curiel. The second mentions shipments of goods to Thessaloniki, Izmir, and France (l. 20f).
A letter in Ladino, possibly to Ya'aqov b. Habib, however, not the same person as the famous author of 'Ayn Ya'aqov. A Ya'aqov b. Habib is also mentioned in the Ladino letter 13J7.30. This letter is dated 1718 CE (5478). The address is then somewhat confusing: "to the sages Alpalas y Sahalon (?), Mitzrayim." It also says "Zurich" (?) in latin characters along with the date. Needs further examination. See "Alpalas y Sahalon" tag for other documents from the same group. ASE.
Two letters, one in Ladino and one in Judaeo-Arabic. The remainder of the pages are filled with sums, accounts, a couple Arabic signatures, and geomancy markings. ASE.
Letters in Ladino that from Shem Tov b. Mozeo (Moshe?) and another individual with a distinct signature and hand. The letter on the fourth scan for this shelfmark is dated 1750 CE (Adar 5510). These letters were likely drawn up on separate days by different individuals and were sent together on the same piece of paper (or they were subsequently sewn together given the presence of thread in the fourth scan f. 2v. The first letter mentions a monetary sum in Venetian "ducats / ducados" (f.1 l. 4r) and later on an orphan "גואירפ׳נה" may be referenced (f. 1 l. 10r). The second letter mentions the financial arrangement connected to moneylending known as "polisa / פוליסה" (f. 2 l.8v). MCD.
Accounts in Ladino including for March 1722 CE (mentions Rosh Hodesh Nisan 5482). Currencies used are ducados and muayyadis. The handwriting is very close to that of the writer of AIU VII.E.30, AIU VII.E.98, and JRL Series L 115.
Late accounts in Ladino.
Several pages of accounts in Ladino. Needs examination.
Accounts in Ladino.
Recto: Ladino accounts of sales involving Ḥayyim Alarcon b. Ḥayyim Yūsufī. Verso: Ladino accounts mentioning "the deceased" several times and 6 June 1788 (1 Sivan 5548).
Ladino accounts dated July 1734 (15 Tamuz 5494).
Recipes and/or technical instructions in Ladino. Medical? Needs further examination.
Accounts fragment in Ladino and Judaeo-Arabic relying on alphanumerical figures and on the verso the term "soldi / שולדי" is in use likely indicating a specific coinage rather than its generic meaning in Italian as any type of money. MCD.