Tag: ketubba

551 records found
A ketubah written by Yosef b. Shmuel Halevi from the year 1195. The bride's name Sitt al-Furs. Only the groom's father's name is preserved- Yosef. The bride is described as 'his divorcée' and as 'virgin' so this couple was betrothed, got divorce and finally got married. A long list of items are written in the dowry list. The ketubah is fragmentary. AA
Marriage contract (ketubba) possibly from Tyre that includes the list of goods in the dowry: a cloth, a curtain, a lamp, two dyeing vessels, two jugs, a chest, and a house. (Information from CUDL)
formulary of legal documents, containing parts of: Bill of emancipation of slave, bill of divorce, ketubah .
Fragment from the top of a ketubba. Dated: Probably [49]49 AM, which would be 1188/89 CE. The groom is either Shemuel ha-Levi "Beḥir ha-Leviim" or Shemuel's son. The bride is [...] bt. Tiqva known as Abū l-Thanāʾ. The date could also be 4849 AM, but a man named Shemuel ha-Levi "Beḥir ha-Leviim" also appears in T-S 13J5.5 (1204 CE), and the name Abū l-Thanāʾ is more common in the 12th century than in the 11th century. AA. ASE.
Fragment from the top right section of a ketubah. The reshut formula is partially preserved so it can be dated from the 12th century onwards. AA
Ketubba fragment. Badly damaged yet line five confirms the document type in stating: "כתובתא דא". MCD.
Beginning of the ketubah of Avraham b. Yosef and Husn. Some of the dowry list is preserved. AA
A fragment from a ketubah containing part of the dowry list
Long and narrow strip from the ketubah of Sitt al-Sada, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138). AA
Small fragment from the bottom of a kettubah signed by [...] b. Avraham Aluf.
Marriage contract (ketubba) from Minyat Zifta, Egypt, 1093-4. The groom is Saadiah ha-hazzan b. Sedaqa ha-hazzan, a man known to have served as a cantor, judge, and scribe in Minyat Zifta. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, 107-9) EMS
One of four fragments from the court ledger of the Babylonian congregation of Damascus (T-S 16.181, T-S AS 146.66, T-S NS 320.108, and T-S 12.592). This fragment contains part of the signatures from the foot of one deed in addition to a fragmentary marriage register. Dated: 4693 AM, which is 932/33 CE. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, 435.) EMS
Recto: fragment from a Karaite ketubba for Ghāliyya bt. Yosef b. Abraham and Thābit b. Yaʿaqov. The bride’s father acts as her agent. Dating: ca. 11th century. Verso: unidentified text. (Information from CUDL.) See also Goitein's note card.
Recto: fragment from a Karaite ketubba for Ḡāliyya bat Joseph b. Abraham and Ṯābit b. Jacob. The bride’s father acts as her agent. Ca. 11th century. Verso: unidentified text. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document: Qaraite ketubba from Ramla, part only. Yaʿaqov b. David al-Shulḥanī (groom) and Sayyida bat Wahb al-ʿArḍī (bride). Location: Ramla. Dated: Wednesday, 10 Elul 1403 after the Babylonian Exile (= 1006 CE), in Ramla. The bride’s agent is Menaḥem b. Iyyov al-Ḥalabī, and his appointment was witnessed by David b. Yiṣḥaq ha-Kohen, the scribe, and Khalaf b. […]. The extensive trousseau list of the wealthy bride includes tunics, cushions, mattresses, boxes of ḥalanj wood, several buckets, and houses in Ramla, Ibn Ṣafar-Street, next to the house of Shelomo b. [Ḥayyim]. Witnessed by Faraj b. Mevasser ha-Levi, Ṣemaḥ b. […], Efraim b. Yehuda, Yosef b. […], and Yaʿaqov b. […]. (Information from CUDL.)
Recto: Ketubba fragment. Most of the text here is the dowry list, which includes "royal Rūmī [broca]de" and blue dabīqī curtains. The early marriage payment appears to be 10 dinars, and the number 50 appears further down. There may be more Hebrew here than is commonly found (אילו הדירות... הנדוניא הנזכרת לעילא... מוהר הבת[ולות).
Fragment of a ketubah. The immersion clause is partily preserved, so we can date it accordingly to 1178 onwards, when Maimonides' enactment on this subject was published. AA
Fragment of a ketubah, containing the dowry. On recto few words in Arabic script- needs examination
Ketubba, very damaged. Names and date are faded. At top is the reshut formula of one of Maimonides' descendants. The hand seems to be identical with that of ENA 2575.7–8, a beautiful letter reporting the sinking of a ship in the Red Sea, dating probably from the 14th century or later based on the mention of the port city of al-Tur, which rose to prominence after the decline of al-Quṣayr. Signed by Yaʿaqov b. Shelomo (who might also be the scribe) and Ovadya b. Avraham. AA
Two pieces of one ketubba. The dowry list includes a gold drop choker (worth 5 dinars), a gold wristband (worth 5 dinars), a pair of silver anklets, red Chinese silk, a coat, five shirts, a gown, a scarf, two kerchiefs, eight coloured pillows, a lightweight garment, a Tabari carpet, a cooler, and a cup. (Information from CUDL)