Tag: communal

747 records found
List of twenty-six names and contributors of wheat. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 2:479.) Dating: Probably early or mid-12th century, since Abū l-Naṣr Ibn Zubbaybāt appears also in T-S NS 323.19, a document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. EMS. ASE.
Expenditure of 427 1/2 bakhaya dirhams on clothing for communal officials, on payment of a balance due for the distribution of wheat and other items. Superscribed: 'Collected 427 1/2. The expenditure entirely in bakhaya' (= dirhams bearing the inscription bkh). The lists on verso (see App. C 87) was written by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu (ca. 1220). (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 449, App. B 38 [dated 1210-1225]).
Headed 'Still owed by the people,' this is the upper part of a long list of persons who had not yet made good their donor pledges. In two cases (of eight dirhams each), the outstanding amount is designated as balance. In all the others, obviously the sums accompanying the names represent the total pledged. Written by Shelomo b. Eliyyahu. Many persons are known from contemporary documents (ca. 1220). Recto = App B 38, contains expenditures on clothing for communal officials. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 499, App. C 87)
Letter fragment from Shelomo b. Yehuda to a personality in Fustat, approximately 1050. He quotes 1 Samuel 2:30 and signs his name with his motto at the bottom. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment of an opening of a letter from Yoshiyyahu Gaon to the communities.
Distribution of 150 pounds of bread to 39 households, in the same hand as T-S Misc.8.61. The large number of households receiving 3 loaves was clearly attributable to some monetary shortage, when the normal ration of 2 loaves per person could not be maintained. The additional allocations (verso: ziyada fi al-'aniyyim) were certainly answers to protests. The symbol א following numbers for some names might be a Coptic fraction. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, 452, App. B 47 [dated to1210-1225]).
Legal document. Dated: Friday, 21 Tishrei 5527 AM (1766 CE). Previously the congregation had appointed as their head Shelomo Kohen b. Aharon Kohen and as his deputy Avraham Rofe b. Eliyyahu Rofe. Shortly thereafter, Shelomo was compelled to step down. Now, the congregation is undergoing terrible conflict, with brawling in the synagogue and lawsuits being taken to the Muslim courts. The congregation, together with Avraham Rofe, now approaches Shelomo Kohen and begs him to return to them. He agrees, on condition that everyone undertake to obey the original contract, settling down and behaving righteously and ceasing to fight in the synagogue or bring legal cases before the Muslim courts. Signed: Avraham Rofe b. Eliyyahu Rofe b. Lishaʿ Rofe; [...] b. Yeshuʿa Fayrūz; Shelomo b. Moshe Rofe known as Ṣaʿir.