Tag: 14th c

71 records found
Letter from a parent, probably in Fustat, to their son Isḥāq b. Saʿīd, probably in the Rīf. (It is also possible that the locations are reversed.) In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 14th century. The handwriting is exceedingly similar to, if not identical with, that of the clerk of Yehoshua Maimonides. The writer has heard that Isḥāq has had a relapse: "You have fallen ill with the same illness that you had in Fustat." The writer is in distress from this news and wants Isḥāq to return to his family immediately. If it were not for their own frailty (wa-lawlā anā qalīl al-[nahḍa or equivalent]), they would come in person to fetch him. It ends, "[Come] immediately. Do not be reckless with your life." ASE.
Informal note. Possibly in the hand of the clerk of Yehoshua Maimonides. An order for various food items and materia medica, with the amounts listed, following a note urging the recipient to to take care of the matter and saying that the remainder of the silver will be paid. ASE.
Bill of divorce (get) fragment from Fustat, dated 26 Elul 1633 Seleucid which is 1322CE. Despite the document's damage, the husband's name is legible as Yeshuʿa b. Shelomo of Bilbeis. MCD.
Letter of recommendation from the office of Yehoshua Mamonides, to be read in the synagogue, on behalf of an elderly, poor man Yiṣḥaq who wishes to travel to Jerusalem. Whatever money comes from the pesiqa is to be forwarded to the Nagid. Bibliography: Mentioned in Goitein, "The Twilight of the House of Maimonides," Tarbiz 54 (1984), 67–104.
A deed of acquittance, in which Sedid b. Saʿadya releases Fakhr bat ʿAlam. Signed in Cairo near Fustat, at the time of the Nagid ʿAmram, on Friday, 9 Nissan 1688(?) Seleucid (1377CE). (Information from Goitein notes and index card linked below and Assaf, Toledot ha-Yehudim, p. 22.). In the edition from his dissertation (p.366) Dotan Arad confirms the dating as 1377CE. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, at least partially for rental income, including for the year 1337/8 CE (1649 Seleucid).
Testimony in the Jerusalemite synagogue regarding an estate of a Maghribi pilgrim to the Holy Land. Dated: Av 1652 Seleucid, which is July 1341. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter from the office of Yehoshuaʿ Nagid (d. 1355) (in Cairo) to the community of Fustat about a conflict between two butchers who had caused trouble for the complainant, one Muwaffaq, and ordering them to return to the customary arrangement whereby one worked three days and the other, the other three days. (Information from Mediterranean Society, I, p. 424)
Beginnings of a court record, Fustat, 1378.
Account, listing names, commodities, and quantities. Probably 14th century or later (among other reasons, since "son of" is written with a nun sofit).
Legal document, draft of the opening, giving only the (difficult-to-read) date. At the top is named Abdallāh the son of the brother of the Nagid (עֿ אללה אֿ אכו אלנגיד). Probably 14th century or later.
Letter fragment in the hand of the clerk of Yehoshuaʿ Hanagid regarding taxation, including the fee for the police (tarsīm). Mentioned in Goitein, "The Twilight of the House of Maimonides," Tarbiz 54 (1984), 92.
Letter from the office of Yehoshuaʿ Nagid (d. 1355) seeking to bring peace to the community and also urging them to be charitable and especially urging them not to resort to Muslim courts without permission of bet din shel mutahaddithin. (Information from Cohen)
Letter fragment in the hand of the clerk of Yehoshua Maimonides. An instruction to a cantor to warn a woman that her husband had submitted a complaint to the court. He should try to arrange a settlement or to bring her to court. Information from Goitein's note card.
Letter from the office of Yehoshua Maimonides (d. 1355) to Fustat against improper competition in the making of cheese. Information from Goitein's index card.
Petition in Judaeo-Arabic to the Nagid. Mentioning real estate and rent. The handwriting is likely that of the clerk of Yehoshua Maimonides.
Deathbed declaration dated Tevet 1665 / December 1353, in which Yehuda b. Hananya assigns to his wife, Wazira daughter of the elder called al-Udi, the contents of his house in payment of the money promised her in their marriage contract and sets aside money with the Nagid Yehoshuaʿ to cover the costs of his burial and the 'shiva' (seven-day mourning period).
Letter from the office of Yehoshua Maimonides dealing with the capitation tax and with the kashrut of meat, first half of the 14th c.
Letter from the office of the Nagid Yehoshua Maimonides (d. 1355), regarding evasion of the capitation tax in the community. The previous year they had paid in full and everyone had in addition contributed 10–15 to the mezonot (food) for the poor. (Information from Goitein, Tarbiz 54 (1984), 90–91.) Join: Oded Zinger.
A letter of recommendation from the office of the Nagid Yehoshua Maimonides, for a poor man Shelomo to be read in the synagogue in Fustat. It is very similar to his letter T-S NS J258 for a poor man Moshe. There is an interesting marginal note in which the writer seems to admit that he has not actually met Shelomo. There is a header added after the letter was complete, similar to those found in T-S Misc.8.18, T-S NS J201, and Bodl. MS heb. b 13/44, of which the second word is probably אמת.