Tag: badajoz

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Letter from Ismāʿīl b. Yiṣḥaq al-Baṭalyawsī (=of Badajoz) al-Andalusi, in Jerusalem, to Abū l-Faraj Yeshuʿa b. Shemuel, in Fustat. Dating: Ca. 1065 CE. Ismāʿīl asks for news of his family still in al-Andalaus. "If you obtain any letter or news, send them to me. This would be the greatest benefit for me. . . . The most likely (chance to obtain news) will be with people from Madrid (מגריט = مجريط) or from Toledo. For the people of Madrid know ['the brothers from'?] my father very well, for he travels to them. It is likely that they will have a letter if [my family] thinks I am still alive. May God increase your reward. . . You know what the wise man (Solomon) said about 'good news from a far country' (Proverbs 25:25)." Ismāʿīl asks the addressee to forward to his parents a letter that he has enclosed, perhaps with Toledan traders or Muslim pilgrims returning to Madrid from the ḥajj. Information from Gil and from Moshe Yagur (via גניזת קהיר - היסטוריה של היום-יום on Facebook, Feb 9, 2019). See also T-S 13J28.11 (the next document edited by Gil, from Ismāʿīl b. Yiṣḥaq to Nahray b. Nissim). ASE