Tag: lebdi

3 records found
India Book I, 15: Three testimonies regarding collateral given by and returned to Yosef Lebdi, the India trader. Lebdi owed Ḥasan b. Bundar, 'the representative of the merchants' in Aden, 40 dinars for an indigo deal. Until Lebdi could pay the debt in full he had to deposit collateral, probably because he was a foreigner, who was expected to leave the town. The first and last of these three entries are written and signed by Nethanel b. Yefet. This is the recto of the second leaf of CUL Add.3420. The first leaf contains document I, 3 and the verso of this page is document I, 8. Goitein referred to this document as CUL Add.3420c.
Legal document: testimony about the will of Yosef Lebdi. This fragment, written in the hand of Hillel b. Eli, records that before leaving for his last journey, Lebdi made the will. Friedman dates the fragment to the beginning of the 12th century.
Legal document. Yaʿqūb b. Yūsuf known as בן כדורה attests that he owes 71 dinars to Barakāt b. Yosef Ibn al-Lebdī (who died prior to 1146 CE, giving an approximate date for this document). It seems that Yaʿqūb is now paying 20 dinars toward the total. Mentions "al-muʿāmilīn."