Tag: ramle

12 records found
Letter by Daniel b. Azarya, apparently in Ramla, to Avraham ha-Kohen b. Ishaq b. Furat, ca. 1054.
Letter fragment from the lepers of Tiberias to Faraj b. Avraham, probably in Ramla, approximately 1030.
Letter from ʿEli ha-Mumḥe b. Avraham, in Jerusalem, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic, with the address in Arabic script. Dating: ca. 1045 CE (Gil), and at any rate 1042–46 CE (Goitein), as there are no allusions to the conflict with Natan b. Avraham (which ended in 1042 CE) and Daniel b. ʿAzarya has not yet returned to live in Palestine (1045/46 CE). ʿEli complains about the lack of response to his previous letters and repeats his request for news of the cantor from Mosul, Abū l-Faraj, and for any developments with Daniel b. ʿAzarya, who was at that time in Fustat. He also says that "the Roshim" (=Eliyya and Yosef ha-Kohen the sons of Shelomo b. Yehosef ha-Kohen, who served as gaʾon for 6 months in 1025 CE) want to know the news of Abū l-Faraj and Daniel. The "Av" (=Yosef b. Shelomo Gaon, who then held the position Av Bet Din) has been staying in Jerusalem instead of Ramla (the usual seat of the Av Bet Din) because he bought a ruin in Jerusalem and is renovating it. Even though the letter is in the hand of ʿEli b. Avraham, he apparently is writing in the name of his father, Avraham b. Shemuel ha-Shelishi, as apparent from the Arabic address (ben ha-Shelishi). (Information from Goitein and Gil.)
Marriage contract (ketubba) from Ramla, mid-eleventh century, that describes the appointment of the bride's agent. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, 361-4) EMS
Letter from Shelomo b. Semah, Ramla, to Efrayim b. Shemarya, approximately 1030.
Letter from Ramla, from Shelomo b. Yehuda to his son Avraham in Fustat, May 1029, describing in great detail the economic and other calamities which haunted the country. Includes the line, "The nation (al-umma) must be treated gently, as a sick man is treated gently" (v23).
Letter from ʿEli b. Yehezqel ha-Kohen, Jerusalem, to Eli b. Hayyim ha-Kohen, Fustat, concerning Eli b. Yehezqel's travels to Acre and Tyre, return to Ramla, and his serious illness there. "I was attacked by vomiting; I exploded from above and below, over 300 times (lit. "sittings"); everybody in the house gave me up. The doctors came on Saturday night and saw that I was finished and that there was nothing to be done any more. I made my will... [then improved]... but I still have terrible weakness." Also mentions the rent from the heqdesh (pious foundation) to the poor people in Jerusalem and other private and public affairs. 1060 (Gil's estimation). (Information from Gil, Palestine; and Goitein's index cards, including index card #27100.) VMR; ASE.
Opening of a letter to the communities of Egypt from the community of Ramla.
Recto: Letter from an unknown writer, in Ramle, to an unknown addressee, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th century. "When, on a rainy day, the qadi of Ramle ordered a Jewish merchant to proceed to Egypt under the supervision of a guard (which was a costly affair), Muslims and Jews present (in this order) had mercy for him and persuaded the qadi to grant him a stay of fifteen days." "The writer carried with him goods belonging to Abū Naṣr, probably the famous Tustari, of Cairo, for which he had no sufficient authority. A delegate of the qadi was to accompany him so that he might not sell part of the goods on his way, for instance in Ascalon. Fifteen days were pIenty of time for a letter going to Cairo and coming back with Abū Naṣr's instructions to the qadi. The writer mentions also that he did not feel well that day (wa-anā wajiʿ). For the legal term rassam, see Med Soc II, 372 and 609, n. 46." Verso: list of names, including Abū l-Surūr and Abū Manṣūr. Information from CUDL and Goitein, Med Soc V, 534–535.
Letter from Sadoq Ha-Levi b. Levi in Ramla on Palestinian affairs, probably 1029. He refers to the arrival of a letter from Yoshiyyahu. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document: Qaraite ketubba from Ramla, part only. Yaʿaqov b. David al-Shulḥanī (groom) and Sayyida bat Wahb al-ʿArḍī (bride). Location: Ramla. Dated: Wednesday, 10 Elul 1403 after the Babylonian Exile (= 1006 CE), in Ramla. The bride’s agent is Menaḥem b. Iyyov al-Ḥalabī, and his appointment was witnessed by David b. Yiṣḥaq ha-Kohen, the scribe, and Khalaf b. […]. The extensive trousseau list of the wealthy bride includes tunics, cushions, mattresses, boxes of ḥalanj wood, several buckets, and houses in Ramla, Ibn Ṣafar-Street, next to the house of Shelomo b. [Ḥayyim]. Witnessed by Faraj b. Mevasser ha-Levi, Ṣemaḥ b. […], Efraim b. Yehuda, Yosef b. […], and Yaʿaqov b. […]. (Information from CUDL.)
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Writer and addressee unknown. Dating: No earlier than 15th century; mentions the currency ashrafī. The letter deals in great depth with a matter of a fatwā and and dealings with the Muslims courts, including specifically a Ḥanafī judge. Mentions Ramle. Needs further examination.