Tag: state expropriation

2 records found
Letter from a Spanish community to Egypt concerning an impoverished and aging man from Rhodez, France, who appraoched the ruler of his land for redress after his son was murdered; the ruler instead expropriated his possessions. Wants to go to Jerusalem to spend the rest of his life there. Recto after a long alphabetical exordium.
Letter from Yeshayahu b. Ishaq to Abu Avraham Ismail b. Avraham with an urgent request to hand over six loads of textiles to the 'Dar al-Kattan.' The sender also writes that he has paid a messenger four dirhams per day to travel from Alexandria to Cairo and back, which took him seven days in total. The 28 dirhams which the messenger received equaled at this time one gold piece, as is stated in the letter. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 167, 290, 440, 472, and Goitein's index cards)