Type: Letter

10477 records found
Badly effaced letter to a business friend describing his dire situation and lack of wheat and asking the addressee for assistance. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Letter written in a mixture of Hebrew and Arabic script. Various blessings and Bible citations are rendered in Hebrew script, whereas the main part is written in Arabic script. Seems to be an elaborate letter of appeal for charity. Mentions Ibn ʿAwkal, Ibn al-Madhāmīrī(?), and Ibn Qarīṭa(?) (v3–4). (Information in part from CUDL.) Needs further examination.
Letter from Nissim b. Ḥalfon, from Tinnis, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Around 1053. The writer is in need for money in Tinnis. He asks Nahray to collect money for him from Abu al-Faraj Ya’aqov b. Avraham Ibn Alan, the known moneychanger. He wants to know if Nahray is interested in an expensive coat (worth 20 dinars) that he can buy for him in Tinnis. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, #587) VMR
Letter from Natan b. Nahray, Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat.
Letter from Natan b. Nahray, Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat, in which the writer states that an amount of money sent by Nahray was delivered by Natan to the widow of Awad b. Hananel, ca. 1045-1096.
Letter conveying good wishes for Purim and Passover. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 5:351, 603; and Goitein's index cards) VMR
The beginning of two drafts of eloquent complaint against Zikri b. Musallam Ibn al- Naja al-Tabib, to the Nagid Avraham and two of the chief justice in Fustat. On the other side the writer notes that most people in the town knew what had happened between him and Ibn al-Naja. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 5:301-302, 590.) VMR. Join by Oded Zinger.
Letter of appeal for charity from Avraham al-Dimashqi b. Yitro. He describes his sufferings (poverty, family to support, capitation tax to pay) and asks for help. (Information from Goitein's index cards.) See also T-S 13J35.7, a similar letter from the same man addressed to Mevorakh b. Yiṣḥaq.
Top of a letter, contains the opening Hebrew blessings. joins with TS 10J20.20. There are few lines still missing between the two joins. The letter is by Abraham al-Dimasqi the teacher b. Jethro, with lengthy Hebrew blessings, and asking for support. AA
Letter written by Mevōrākh b. Natan and signed in full by the Gaon Sār Shālōm ha-Levi. The latter rebukes the muqaddam, or head of the Jewish community of al-Maḥalla, for neglecting essentials in favor of trifles, citing as an example the cases of two women, one of whom sent a proxy to the Gaon’s court over a matter of 1 and 11/24 dinars, and the other of whom vexed her son-in-law by intrusion into his house, unfounded accusations, and suits before Muslim courts. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 336, 502). EMS
Letter in Ladino to Efrayim ʿAdda (עדה) from David, mentioning Livorno, Ragusa and Senor Vidal. Dated 563 (5563 of the Era of Creation = 1802 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Letter from David b. Nahum b. Hakhmon, from Alexandria, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Around 1053. The letter contains several topics: details about the ships movements; oil that was sent from the Maghreb to Egypt; the quite situation in Tripoli (Libya); a disagreement about the price of amber; and a disagreement in Alexandria between the cantor and his son. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, #690) VMR
Letter from Barhun b. Mūsā al-Tahirti seemingly from Ascalon apparently to his father in Fustat. The writer mentions that he searched for messages from the addressee among the couriers in Palestine, but that he did not find any. He hopes to find some in Jerusalem. He also reports on his trip from Tinnis in Egypt to Ascalon in Palestine which took seven days because the boat had to moor on the way because of the danger it might be blown Westwards again. Dated ca. 1045. (Information from Mediterranean Society, I, pp. 288, 326 and Gil)
Verso: Autograph letter from Moshe Maimonides to al-Shaykh al-Wathīq, i.e. Avraham b. Yaḥyā al-Najib, the tenant of a parcel of land near Dammūh belonging to the qodesh. Regarding both business and personal matters. Dating: ca. 1180 CE. The letter is written in a familiar style which indicates a close relationship between the two. Apparently, al-Wathīq, being on the spot, had to take care of the synagogue (removal of garbage and repairs are mentioned here), and of some other piece of land, apparently also adjacent to the synagogue. That land is farmed by a Muslim, whom Maimonides trusts. In his role of physician, Maimonides had apparently advised al-Wathīq to drink milk regularly, for which the latter rented a cow; he now advises him to give the cow up, since two cups a day are enough. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 321, #76.)
Petition from Hibatallāh b. Bū l-Faḍl Ibn al-Shofeṭ to Moshe Maimonides. Dating: ca. 1180 CE. The sender complains concerning a part of the revenue of the house of Ibn Pinḥas in Fustat, which had been allocated to him some time before. The petition is written in a very flowery and flattering style, in which besides biblical phrases there are also some more original figures of speech. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 325 #79)
Well-written letter in which the writer asks the addressee how to act in an inheritance dispute involving a second-floor housing unit and the items found in it. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Calligraphic letter from Avraham b. Yiṣḥaq in Fustat to Yeshua b. Ismail asking whether Nahray b. Nissim had gone to the Egyptian country-side and sold the writer's goods. (Information from Gil, and Goitein's index cards)
Letter from Daniel b. Azarya (in his handwriting), 1051. He is worried for his status and thinks that people will prefer Yosef ha-Kohen b. Shelomo Gaon. (Information from Gil, Palestine, vol. 2 p. 643-645, #353) VMR
Letter from Eliyyahu b. Aharon Ha-Ḥaver b. Yoshiyyahu, the president of court, to Efrayim B. Shemarya, approximately 1030.
Cover letter for the Arabic-script letter on verso addressed to Eliyyahu, saying that Yosef b. Mukhtar had left with a friend a turban ('imama) worth 100 dirhams until he repays the amount in full. If he intends to travel he should swear that he would settle his affairs with Mufaddal b. al-Maqdisi in Bilbays immediately. Also mentions a company traveling to Jerusalem. Verso: Letter in Arabic script (not included in Goitein's transcription). (Information from Goitein's index cards)