Type: Letter

10477 records found
Letter mostly consisting of praises for the addressee, then a request for personal assistance. The writer is Avraham ha-Yakhini (f.3, l.12), in Istanbul, to ʿAzarya Ze'evi, Jerusalem (f.3, ll.14–15). First half of he 17th century. The writer asks the addressee's help with relocating his father to Jerusalem (f.2, ll.25–26). The writer too prays that he will be able to come to Jerusalem. The writer also mentioned R. Zeraḥya [Gota] (f.3, l.9). Information from FGP.
Late letter in Hebrew to Abram Segre. The address is found in the next shelfmark. Needs examination.
Address of the letter found in ENA 2050.1, to Abram Segre. The letter is in Hebrew, and the address in Italian in Latin script (with a נר״ו written underneath the addressee's name).
Letter from a certain Yūsuf. In Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary script and spelling. The letter may describe the violent disciplining of a girl, and the writer says it is all the addressee's fault. There is some sort of dispute involving the house that is located in darb silsilat al-ṣulṭāniyya, its original door, Ibn al-Raṣṣāṣ, and 600 dirhams. The continuation on verso is rather faded but includes the line, "I am oppressed." In a diffferent hand and ink, there is a note mentioning baskets containing materia medica (or materials for a drug shop, ḥawā'ij ʿiṭr). ASE.
Letter in Arabic script dated Monday 24 Jumādā I 517H (
Letter or petition in Arabic script. On verso there is Hebrew literary text. Needs examination.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dealing mainly with business matters. Mentions people such as Abū Naṣr Daftarī; Ibn Ṣaghīr; Ibn(?) Hilāl; and shaykh Maḍmūn. Quantities on the order of 12 dinars are named. The addressee is asked to obtain a letter or document from Kātib al-Jaysh. The continuation on verso is very faded; the writer mentions his marriage several times.
Letter fragment conveying concern for "the girl" (al-ṣabiyya) and inviting her to spend a month in the writer's location. Mentions receiving a letter sent with Abu l-Ḥasan Ibn Khaṭṭāfa (?). ASE.
Letter fragment from an unknown writer in Syria to 'Rabbenu' in Bilbays. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning the capitation tax (... al-jawālī) in al-Shām and specifically mentions the place Bayt Jibrīn (Beit Gubrin). Also names [...] bar Daniel al-[...] ZL. Dating: Probably 12th or 13th century. Also under this shelfmark: Two other small fragments, one in late Arabic script and one in a mixture of of Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Fragment (top part only). The hand is reminiscent of that of Abū Zikrī b. Eliyyahu the Judge. The sender asks for an update on whether the addressee had a reconciliation with the elders (? in ṭāba qalbuhu maʿa l-mashāyikh) and may encourage him to come together with Abū l-Makārim al-Kohen or with al-Dayyān Rabbenu [...]. On verso there are a couple words in Arabic script (incl. qīrāṭ) and Greek/Coptic numerals. VMR. ASE.
Letter fragment in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 12th or 13th century. Ordering drugs (ḥawā'ij ʿiṭr), some of which may be read on verso, such as quince syrup and rose syrup.
Letter (FGP). See ENA 223.1-4 (PGPID 6596).
Four leaves of examples of begging letters from Jerusalem, collected by Avraham ha-Kohen b. Yosef ("the head of the Yeshivot of Palestine"). Not yet completely edited, despite Marmorstein's 3 partial editions. See Mann, Jews II, 60–61; Shaked, 188–89; and Med Soc, III, F, n167. Information from Goitein's note card.
Letter (FGP). In Hebrew. In literary format. Addressed to the congregation of Fustat (Ẓoʿan). See ENA 223.1-4 (PGPID 6596).
Letter (FGP). See ENA 223.1-4 (PGPID 6596).
Complaint of the daughters of the Dosa family who were deprived of their rights to the community, perhaps from Jerusalem or another place in Palestine.
Informal note in Judaeo-Arabic regarding a business matter. VMR. ASE.
Letter from an unknown writer in Jerusalem addressed to R. Maʿūẓa and his sons Sālim and Yaḥyā. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 19th century, as it is written on grid paper. The hand and all the names are typical of Yemen. The writer provides a report of how he and his wife have fared since arriving in Jerusalem. ASE.
Fragment of a letter, possibly. Or literary text? In Judaeo-Arabic. "... and they closed the gates and did not let him leave until the situation was lost. He remained there three days and came out, and the people mourned over him greatly, and the city was depressed." On verso there are drawings of concentric circles.
Letter from Yehuda b. Avraham b. al-Faraj, possibly in Ṣahrajt, to ʿEli b. ʿAmram (aka Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllūn b. Muʿammar), in Fustat. Dating: ca. 1060s CE. The letter is in Arabic, with one phrase in Hebrew and with addenda in Hebrew. The purpose of the letter is to enclose the Hebrew poem "Doe of the Woods" (יעלת יערות). The text in Hebrew on the verso of the letter appears to be an elaborate introduction to the poem, with fulsome praises for ʿEli b. ʿAmram. The poem itself is found on ENA 2465.8. Related fragments: T-S 13J13.2 is a letter with the same sender and same addressee, likewise in a mix of Arabic and Hebrew, which is a recommendation on behalf of Seʿadya the teacher; Bodl. MS heb. c 28/5 is a legal document drawn up by the same Yehuda b. Avraham, apparently the muqaddam of the town of Ṣahrajt in 1060 CE.