16354 records found
A few lines in late Hebrew script, possibly Judaeo-Arabic, possibly accounts.
Petition from Abū l-Ḥasan b. Dāʾūd to a Fatimid dignitary. In Arabic script. The petitioner is a poor young man, whose father died destitute and left him only some pieces of furniture, which now Abū l-Ḥasan would like to sell. Dating: ca. 12th century. On verso there is a Judaeo-Arabic text on Jewish law divided into numbered paragraphs, regarding marriage contracts and mentioning Rabbi Shimʿon and the Mishna. (Information from CUDL)
Psalms in Hebrew written in Arabic script. The beginning of the text on the verso is to be found at the end of the leaf at which the text of the recto finishes. The scribe turned the leaf over around its horizontal axis in order to continue on the verso. 16.8cm. and 15cm. between the top and bottom lines. Two small lacunae. Recto: (Ps. 35:2-37:39). Verso: (Ps. 109:1-115:13). Information from FGP.
Bifolium from a Judaeo-Arabic treasure hunting manual. Needs further examination.
Poetry: a leaf from a diwan of Hebrew poetry, with Judaeo-Arabic headers giving the occasions.
Instructions for some sort of magical procedure. "Take seven pebbles, throw one in each of the four cardinal directions, and three will remain with you. Then recite the following verses sven times. . . ."
"This kurrāsa should be delivered to Moshe (ha-baḥur ha-ṭov) b. Ṭoviya (ha-zaqen ha-nikhbad)."
Recto: Beginning of a letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yefet ha-Nadiv Zaqen ha-Qahal and R. Yosef ha-Kohen Rosh ha-Qahal (both are also mentioned in T-S 13J6.21, ca. 1100). Verso: Piyyutim
"The chapter of knowing the unknown (taʿallum al-ghayb)." One takes a certain animal on Shabbat, breaks open its back, and eats its heart while still hot.
Letter in rhymed Hebrew.
Extremely faded, perhaps a letter.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, mentioning people such as Sulaymān b. Khalaf and Nissim b. Sulaymān.
Legal document in Arabic script. Likely a deed of sale, as there are extensive descriptions of a property. On verso there are witness statements. One mentions Mūsā b. Abū Sahl al-Ḥazzān(?); the other mentions ʿAlī b. Ibrāhīm. There is a date given (but no year?): the middle of Av, corresponding to the 15th of Shaʿbān. ASE
Account, listing names, commodities, and quantities. Probably 14th century or later (among other reasons, since "son of" is written with a nun sofit).
Ketubba fragment for Peraḥya ha-Kohen and 'the virgin bride [...].'
Legal document, draft of the opening, giving only the (difficult-to-read) date. At the top is named Abdallāh the son of the brother of the Nagid (עֿ אללה אֿ אכו אלנגיד). Probably 14th century or later.
A booklet containing, among other things, a rendition of Megillat Esther into Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic verse. The name Moshe Aghion appears at the bottom of folio 10 (P8), perhaps the scribe.
Formulary for a letter to an important person, probably late.
Recto: Opening of a document in Arabic script. Verso: What seems to be a partial transcription or description of the document on recto, but in Judaeo-Arabic. Mūsā b. Abū [...] is named, as are Qaṣr al-Rūm and Qaṣr al-Shamʿ.
See join.