16354 records found
Possibly part of a document or letter - needs examination.
The ends of 5 lines of a state document. Mentions a dīwān in l. 1. Needs examination. Verso is blank.
Document in Arabic script. The beginnings of five lines are preserved. Mentions someone named Maḥbūb(?) al-Muhandis in l. 3. Needs further examination.
Fragment of a letter/petition in Arabic script. The sender (or the person he is writing on behalf of) wishes to collect the money due to him and return to his family, and he needs the help of the addressee to do this. On verso there is Aramaic liturgy.
Recto: Purchase deed from the Mamluk period. Verso: Hebrew liturgy and jottings - needs examination.
Deed of acknowledgment (iqrār). In Arabic script. Damaged with the imprint of another document on top of it. Needs examination for content. On verso there is the imprint of what is probably an Ottoman-era legal document involving Abū ʿImrān Mūsā b. [...] al-faqīr ilā Allāh and Muḥammad al-[...] al-Shāfiʿī. Written in giant letters: "the 23rd of the month of."
Probably a letter or letters. Verso and recto appear to be in different hands, in which case there might be more than one letter. - needs examination.
Business memorandum in Arabic script. Reporting on the arrival and shipment of different loads, including firewood. May mention the town of Minbāl (l. 3). Mentions 30 loads (of coral?), whose shipping costs 3 1/4 dirham per load, whereas the firewood costs 2 dinars per load. The boats are getting mired in the water and need more buoyancy. The addressee is told to send the rest of something. On verso there are Hebrew jottings (liturgical?). Needs examination.
Probably an Arabic letter. There is a blured Arabic subscript in vertical lines beneath the one of the letter itself - needs examination.
State document of some sort. Lists sums of money in words and in Greek/Coptic numerals. Multiple sections, some mottos and registration marks.
Account containing list of names and some Arabic numbers as well as other siglia arranged in short columns
Letter from Abū Saʿd Ibn Ṭībān, unknown location, to his son Abū l-Ḥasan Ibn Ṭībān, in Fustat. Mainly in Arabic script, with one phrase in Hebrew (לחזות בנועם...). The fragment is torn away about one line after the substance of the letter begins (after the standard greetings and assurances that everyone is healthy). It might be possible to understand some of the content from the text in the right margin and upper margin (but this may be formulaic as well). On verso there is the address in both Arabic script and Judaeo-Arabic, with relatively elaborate instructions for delivery; evidently the letter was sent to the shop of Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAllān to be kept there or to be forwarded to the true addressee. AA. ASE.
Tax receipt in the hand of the jahbadh Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ. Additional (legal or administrative) note on verso. Needs further examination.
One side: Draft of the beginning of a letter from a wretched prisoner in "the dungeon" (al-muṭbaq). In Judaeo-Arabic. Possibly poetry and not a letter. The other side: Two lines of love poetry in Arabic script, surrounded by jottings and pen trials in Arabic and Hebrew script. (Information in part from Goitein’s index card)
Legal document in Arabic script. With witness signatures. Needs examination for content.
Possibly a letter. Faded script underneath the top one - needs examination.
List of names (arranged in columns), possibly an account
Mercantile letter in Arabic script. Approximately 8 lines are preserved from the middle, but the context seems too vague to understand much.
Legal document. In Arabic script. Receipt for the purchase of a Nubian female slave named Tawfīq. It seems that the seller is Baqāʾ b. Manṣūr and the buyer is Farajallāh b. Abū l-Baqāʾ b. Abū Saʿīd al-Naṣrānī. Price: 22 wariq dirhams. Dated: 25 Rabīʿ II 630 AH, which is 9 February 1233. (Information in part from Goitein’s index card)
End of a letter/petition (wa-l-masʾūl min tafaḍḍulika.... min faḍlika wa-iḥṣānika...). In Arabic script. Dated: 947 AH, which is 1540/41 CE.