16354 records found
Legal document in Arabic script. Dated: Shawwāl 899 AH, which is 1494 CE. Needs examination.
Business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. One page is a summary of accounts with Abū Riḍā. Mentions sugar and safffron among other commodities.
Small fragment of a letter in Arabic script. The beginnings of 6 lines are preserved. Mostly conventional formulae.
Small fragment of a legal document in Arabic script mentioning a power of attorney (wakāla).
Receipt for someone's capitation tax in Fustat. Dated: 5[..] AH (~12th century CE).
Bifolium of business accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Bifolium of business accounts in (messy) Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
A few words in large Arabic script in a chancery hand, possibly from a decree. Specifies a date (13th of Jumādā?).
Maybe a receipt of some kind. In Arabic script.
Fragment of a legal document (or documents) in Arabic script.
Brief note addressed to al-mawlā al-faqīh ʿAlī.
Receipt for the ground rent (ḥikr) in Qaṣr al-Shamʿ for the year 4[..] AH (~11th century CE).
Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 11th or 12th century. Mentions the brother-in-law of Ibn al-Maqāniʿī. The hand may be known.
Receipt for the capitation tax of Yūsuf b. Bū l-Ḥasan the Jew in New Cairo.
Small account of food items and household expenses such as laundry (ghāsūl) in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals.
Official (tax?) receipt. Dated: 5[..] AH (~12th century CE). Needs examination.
Rent receipt for Bū Isḥāq al-Yahūdī. In Arabic script. Dated: 726 AH = 1325/26 CE.
Small fragment in Syriac. Needs examination.
Bottom of a large legal document in Arabic script. Dated: 979 AH = 1571/72 CE. Needs examination.
Order in Arabic script to Abū l-[...] who should pay a certain amount of money to the bearer. Dated Wednesday 17 Shawwāl. The number "2" appears at the upper left.