16354 records found
Note addressed to 'mawlāy al-rashīd' asking him to draw up an account (of money owed) on the sender's behalf for 'al-mawlā al-jalīl al-dayyān.' There are accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals on the other side -- maybe the addressee complied with the request. Dating: Likely late 12th or early 13th century based on the titles used.
Top of a tax receipt. There is a lot of text. Might be from the dossier of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb? Needs examination.
Letter in Arabic script. Rudimentary hand. Mentions small business transactions.
Official receipt of some kind.
Order of one pound of good meat from al-muʿallim Ṣadaqa (evidently a butcher). Cf. T-S AS 177.398 and T-S AS 177.468.
Document in Arabic script headed 'tadhkira' ('memorandum'). There is a line of honorifics for somebody.
Guide to the numerical value of the Arabic letters.
Small fragment of a legal document in Arabic script. Dated: 11 Ṣafar 916 AH = 20 May 1510 CE.
Order of one pound of meat from al-muʿallim Ṣadaqa (cf. T-S AS 177.468).
Order of 3 pounds of meat from the butcher. In Arabic script. The glyph at the beginning means يدفع (cf. T-S AS 177.466 and T-S AS 177.468). On recto there is the remnant of a letter in Arabic script mentioning 50 dinars.
Business accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Mentions Abū Manṣūr and Abū Jaʿfar.
Family letter in Arabic script. In a rudimentary hand. Addressed to a woman, Umm [...], in Fustat.
Fiscal account or receipt. Mentions a name at the top and mentions wheat further down. Needs examination.
Accounts in Arabic script. Mentioning Abū l-Faraj and maqṭaʿ cloths several times; also flax.
Tax receipt for Yaʿqūb b. Isḥāq, likely for what he owes as the tax farmer of something (min jumlat mā ʿalayhi ʿan [ḍamānih?]...). On verso there is petition-like text, possibly a draft or possibly the bottom of an actual petition that was torn up for scrap paper. Needs further examination.
Official-looking account reporting revenue.
Witness statement regarding the discovery of the corpse of Yūsuf b. Ibrāhīm b. Yūsuf the Jew, leader of the Jews of al-Maḥalla, who paid his capitation tax in Alexandria. The witness signatures are lost. Dated: ca. 24 Rabīʿ I 601 AH, which is 19 November 1204 CE. There is an ʿalāma at the top. (Information from Khan.)
Medical prescriptions in Arabic script.
Business accounts in Arabic script. Very messy.
Medical prescription in Arabic script.