16354 records found
Awaiting description - see Goitein notes linked below.
Fragment of a list of recipients of alms, similar to Bodl. MS heb. c28.24, in the hand, it seems, of the judge Yeshu'a ha-Kohen b. Yosef of Alexandria (dated documents 1028 through after 1062). (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, p. 454, App. B 55 [dated to 1040-1080]).
Bottom of a legal document. None of the content is preserved. About 20 signatures are preserved.
Lower part of twin list of contributors, the first with, the second without sums. Folded down the middle, hence a bifolium that once belonged to a booklet. Almost all noted in the second list had made a contribution according to the first. In five instances, donors reduced gift to 1/2 or less, and in one case an original pledge of 1/2 dinar, which was reduced to 1/4, was restituted. The strange fact that so many reduced their contributions is perhaps to be explained by the assumption that while the first collection was going on, it already became known that another was necessary. 1140s (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 479-480, App. C 24)
Legal fragment. Involves Faraḥ; Surūr Ibn al-Ḥaṣīra; preparing something for (trading in?) the Maghrib.
List of donations, qa’imat al-nedava (Hebrew), recording around forty-five names and the sums of their contributions. The reverse side contains an account of collections made, one by a layman, one by the haver Ibrahim. Both men and women are listed as contributors. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 2:498) EMS
Shelomo testifies that he had not used a book deposited with him for sale
Awaiting description - see Goitein notes linked below.
Note describing the distribution of flour and mentioning Abu al-Faraj and Abu al-Fadl. Dated Tammuz 1062. (Information from Goitein's index cards and F. Niessen and A. Shivtiel, ed., Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections, 610) EMS
Letter fragment. On parchment. In Judaeo-Arabic. The sender is apparently a scribe (mentions copies of books) who wishes to defer his wedding date but does not wish to end the betrothal. The city of al-Maḥalla is also mentioned. (Information from Goitein's index card) EMS
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. The sender waited all afternoon in the synagogue for the addressee; he assumed that the latter had gone up to Cairo. He is upset about an arrogant, wicked man (אלזד אליהיר זקן אשמה) and a rumor according to which a notable (the addressee?) forgave him while at the Rayyis's place. All of Fustat is in an uproar. (Information in part from Goitein's index card). EMS
Draft of a letter that was not sent. A question that was addressed to Maimonides about remission of debts. (Information from Goitein, Tarbiz, 28, 1959: 195-196). VMR
Public appeal of a blind woman to the congregation of Fustat to pay the fee of 4 dinars charged by a Muslim physician for the treatment of either herself or her sick daughter, who suffered from dropsy (istisqā'). Her other children (or child) had been given as security for this sum. Probably written by Hillel b. Eli (dated documents 1066–1107). Information from Goitein's note card. See also Med Soc, II, Appendix C, #96 (p. 501), and Med Soc I, p. 259 on children as collateral. ASE.
India Book 4 (Hebrew description below; English to come)
Letter from Menashshe, in Damsīs, to Abū Hārūn Akhlābū ha-Kohen b. Hārūn, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: January 1, 1063. Regarding a purchase of shoes for Abu Nasr, the writer’ son. In addition, the writer mentions that he expects to receive letters from the Maghreb. Mentions the death of al-Muʿizz b. Badīs, the ruler of Ifrīqiyya. Menashshe has heard that Akhlābū has traveled to Fustat, and he conveys his worry and prayers because of what he has heard about the epidemic (amrāḍ) currently in Fustat. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 4, #758) VMR. ASE.
Account of building operations ca. 1200. Fragment of a leaf, upper left part, in a calligraphic hand. It itemizes mainly work in clay, and the work of a mason. The period covered in the account as preserved is less than a week, from Monday to Thursday. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 391 #104)
Petition from Shelomo b. Eliyyahu requesting a payment (from the revenue of the dwelling of Imran b. al-Muzanjir) of 1/2 dirhem per week for the teaching of the boy of the sick man Abu l-Khayr al-Ruhbi. He calls this payment khamīs. Information from Goitein's note card.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic.
Informal note in Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic to a certain Nasi regarding various expenses and mentioning the judge and the Andalusian ḥazzān. There is an additional note about Ismāʿīl and a money changer written in Judaeo-Arabic at the bottom. Needs further examination.
Budget of expenses for food on the two days of ʿUnṣura (Shavuot). Verso is an Arabic script document. Information from Goitein's index card.