7476 records found
Two responsa by Jacob ben Moshe Beyrav (Constanrinople). Publidhed Glick, Seridei Teshuvot, p. 3-31
See PGP 15849
A list of medicinal items in Judaeo-Arabic and eastern Arabic numerals. Dating: Ottoman-era, perhaps 18th or 19th century.
Late letter in Hebrew to Abram Segre. The address is found in the next shelfmark. Needs examination.
Address of the letter found in ENA 2050.1, to Abram Segre. The letter is in Hebrew, and the address in Italian in Latin script (with a נר״ו written underneath the addressee's name).
Late literary work.
Late literary work.
Late literary work.
Late literary work.
Two fragments, both literary.
On recto a commentary responsa to Bavli Zevahim 118a. On verso a responsa on Bavli Nedarim 32b. Probably Geonic. AA
Literary. "In this section, tractate Shabbat 84 chapters and Eruvin 10 chapters and Zevaḥim. And the explanation of the difficult words in Zerʿim and Shabbat and. . . " Underneath, in very faded letters: "min. . . al-shaykh . . . "
Table of materia medica or perfumes and their value in dinars. In Judaeo-Arabic. Items include three kinds of aloe (ʿūd), ambergris (ʿanbar), perfume (? ʿabir), ben oil (bān), and two kinds of saffron. Verso: Block of text in Arabic script. Needs examination.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Tuesday, beginning of Kislev 1527 Seleucid, which is 1215/16 CE.
Letter from a certain Yūsuf. In Judaeo-Arabic. Rudimentary script and spelling. The letter may describe the violent disciplining of a girl, and the writer says it is all the addressee's fault. There is some sort of dispute involving the house that is located in darb silsilat al-ṣulṭāniyya, its original door, Ibn al-Raṣṣāṣ, and 600 dirhams. The continuation on verso is rather faded but includes the line, "I am oppressed." In a diffferent hand and ink, there is a note mentioning baskets containing materia medica (or materials for a drug shop, ḥawā'ij ʿiṭr). ASE.
Two responsa: 1. Regarding a liturgy in shemini azereth. 2. Regarding a person who bought a stolen book, and the person whom the book was stole from demand him to return it. Published by Glick, Seridei Teshuvot, pp. 370-399.
See PGP 15855
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Written on lined notebook paper. Dating: Probably 19th century. Currencies: qirsh and qirsh abyaḍ.
Query/responsum. Late. Comcenring kabalistic issues.
See PGP 15811