7476 records found
Small fragment in Ladino, probably from a letter.
Fragment of a commentary on Beshalaḥ in Hebrew and Ladino, it seems signed by Yaʿaqov Frances.
Small fragment in Ladino, probably from a letter.
Fragment in Ladino, probably from a business letter. Needs further examination.
Late accounts, at least partially in Ladino
Medical recipes in Ladino, including for nosebleed and sciatica.
Medical recipes in Ladino, including for toothache.
Recto: Either the beginning of a letter or the address of a letter for Shelomo Gabbay in Safed. There is also a list of names. Verso: Accounts in western Arabic numerals.
Fragment of a commentary on Beshalaḥ in Ladino (see also ENA 2799.2).
Letter from Josiah (Yoshiyahu) Gaon, apparently to Efrayim b. Shemarya, ca. 1015.
Dirge (seliḥa) written by Efrayim b. Shemarya after the death of the gaʾon Shelomo b. Yehuda, May 1051.
Lament (seliha) by Efrayim b. Shemarya after the death of Shelomo b. Yehuda, May 1051. In the hand of Efrayim b. Shemarya.
Letter from the first half of the eleventh century which contains an appeal for help in ransoming captives. The letter is from the community of Alexandria to Efrayim b. Shemarya and the Palestinian congregation of Fustat. (Information from Frenkel)
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Efrayim b. Shemarya, ca. 1028.
See join (PGPID 677).
Legal document. In Hebrew. Dated: Heshvan [4]7[..], which means no later than Heshvan 4799 AM, which is 1038 CE. Appointment of someone's brother R. Yehuda as guardian (apotropos) or agent. Witnessed by Moshe b. [...].
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda, apparently to Fustat, concerning a dispute in the community, ca. 1026.
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Avraham b. Mevasser, Fustat, approximately 1030.
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Sahlan b. Avraham, Fustat, ca. 1046.
Letter from Shelomo b. Yehuda to Efrayim b. Shemarya, approximately 1048.