7476 records found
Arabic script (VMR)
Astronomical or astrological work. In Arabic script.
Literary text in Arabic script. Mentions Aḥmad Ibn Ṭūlūn and the mosque named after him; also Ptolemy and astronomy.
Astrological text. In Arabic script. A list of celestial objects in various configurations.
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Account in Arabic script. Maybe an official/state document. Dating: No earlier than 1425 CE, based on the use of the currency ashrafī.
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Accounts in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals. In fact, one page is entirely filled with numerals.
Arabic script (VMR)
Original use: Two lines from a petition about property rights, mentioning an alley (zuqāq) in Fustat and something under the name of al-qāḍī al-sadīd and a 'mound' (kawm) that belongs by rights to the petitioner. Secondary use: Lists of names and numbers in Arabic script and Greek/Coptic numerals, probably private business accounts.
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)
Arabic script (VMR)