743 records found
A Karaite agreement regarding a shop dated 28th Tevet 5425 (1665)
Pre nuptial agreement between Nissim Halevi b. Eliyyahu b. Nissim and Rachel d. Mordechai b. Shalom, dated Sunday 18th Adar, 5579 Era of creation (1819)
Karaite agreement regarding payment of a debt. Dated Monday, 1st Heshvan 5510 Era of creation (1750)
Karaite betrothal deed. Avraham b. Nissim b. Ya'aqov is the groom, Esther known as Badra d. Ishaq b. Elisha is the groom. Dated Sunday 8th Adar II, 5548
Yosef b. Shlomo is taking upon himself to give a conditional bill of divorce to his future wife Venesa d. Avraham Susu in case he will be absent for more than a year. Dated Monday 23rd Tevet, 5529 (1769)
Yequti'el b. Nissim Fairouz is taking upon himself to give a conditional bill of divorce to his future wife Situta b. Nahum Levi in case he will be absent for more than a year. Dated Monday 10th Shevat, 5523 (1763)
Karaite bill of debt. Dated Friday 4th of Nisan 5403 (1643)
Long Karaite agreement regarding dwelling, probably following divorce. The top right side of the document is torn. Dated 5439 Era of creation (1679)
Legal document, Qaraite. Conditional divorce. Dated: Monday, 21 Heshvan 5516 AM, which is 1755 CE. The document describes a quarrel between ʿOvadya b. Eliyyahu Rofe known as Ḥakīm and his wife ʿAzīza bt. Avraham Levi known as רכס(?). "The evil inclination overpowered him" and he made a vow that he would either bring all of her possessions from her mother's house that very day, or she would become forbidden to him. The day passed and he did not fulfill his vow. He now declares that if he ever travels or runs away, the court may give ʿAzīza the bill of divorce. It seems he will remain responsible for supporting any children. It is not entirely clear what the first part of the story has to do with the conditional divorce in case he runs away. Scribed and witnessed b: Eliyyahu Rofe known as Zaʿir. Other witnesses: Naḥum Kohen Gabbay(?) b. Aharon Kohen known as Ḥātūm(?); Eliyyahu David Rofe b.(?) Elishaʿ Rofe. Merits further examination. Cf. Yevr.-Arab. II 1275 (another conditional divorce).
Letter from Shelomo Qudsī to Yosef Kohen. In Judaeo-Arabic. Reporting that the addressee's brother Shelomo arrived and that they put him to work in Ḥawsh ʿĪsā. The sum of 1600 Syrian gurush is mentioned. This seems to have been the beginning of a lot of trouble ("eating and drinking, drinking wine and arak"), and the writer reports on the harassment that ensued from the Muslim authorities (shāṭir, sanjak). Needs further examination.
The Karaite Ovadya b. Gedalyah Fairouz is buying a lobby and upper hall from a lady and her daughters. Dated Monday, Adar 2nd 5446 Era of creation (1686)
Karaite legal document regarding dwelling.
Karaite agreement regarding inheritance.
Karaite agreement regarding payment of a debt.
Long Karaite business letter. The year is given as יה אלש, might be 5431 = 1671.
Karaite agreement, probably dealing with payments to the synagogue?
Karaite partnership agreement in a shop between a person and three orphans.
Karaite agreement regarding a payment for a floor in a house
Karaite bill of debt paid to a woman.
Karaite bill of release of a debt related to inheritance. Not dated but probably 18th century