743 records found
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Writer and addressee unknown, but both are Qaraites. The letter describes the great solidarity of the Qaraites and how they protect each other from the impact of oppressive decrees of the government. It also discusses Dammūh. The Rabbanites go there year-round, whereas the Qaraites mainly go there during the month of Adar. Needs further examination.
Karaite agreement between partners regarding the division of profit?
Letter from a woman named Harja, in Jerusalem, to her brother ʿAbd al-Dā'im Ibn Firrouz, in Cairo. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. See tag for other letters by her. Needs examination.
Legal draft. Written in Judaeo-Arabic. No signatures. Dating: The document itself does not appear to be dated but mentions another document from the year 5514 AM, which is 1753/54 CE. The document records a gift of property made by the brothers Eliyyahu Rofe and Yeshuʿa Rofe b. Elishaʿ Rofe to Aharon Kohen Ḥazzan b. Yosef Kohen.
Legal document, Qaraite. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Tuesday, 16 Tevet 5525 AM, which is 1764/65 CE. Venue: House of Shelomo Kohen nin Aharon Kohen known as Shāmī. Protagonists: Moshe b. Yosef known as Berakha and Eliyyahu b. Yashar al-Ḥakīm. The two were partners in אלסירגה, which it seems refers to the manufacture of sesame oil (sīraj); sesame (simsim) is mentioned again in line 5. The partners are breaking up and have divided everything evenly, except for the dūlāb, which is worth 54 reals. Eliyyahu purchases Moshe's share in the dūlāb for 27 reals. ASE.
Marriage document, Qaraite. Dated: Wednesday, 25 Nisan 5488 AM, which is 1728 CE. This does not seem to be a ketubba, but rather an agreement concerning the marriage conditions between the groom David b. Raḥamin b. Yosef known as Ḥakīm and his wife Najma. Currency: silver medin (niṣf fiḍḍa). Signed and scribed: Yeshuʿa Sofer. Many other witnesses are named, but none signed.
A Karaite divorce after betrothal
Karaite partnership agreement. On verso a declaration of one of the parties.
Karaite approval of a legal deed
Karaite agreement, probably regarding selling and buying
Approval of possessions of a deceased dated 5523 Era of creation
Letter from a Qaraite in Palestine. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 5415 AM (19th year of the 285th maḥzor), which is 1654/55 CE. But catalogued as 1555 CE. The writer describes being sent to examine the aviv (barley) crop and what ensued. He discusses other agricultural matters, mentions "the port" and Ashqelon, and describes the rainfall this year. Needs examination. On verso are jottings from Psalms.
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 20 Kislev 5422 AM, which is 1661/62 CE. Concerning something to do with the late Barukh Nasi nin Eliʿezer Ẓemāḥ and the late Aharon Kohen b. Yosef Kohen. Witness: Barukh Rofe. Needs examination.
Legal document. Dated: Monday, 8 Iyyar 5509 AM, which is 1749 CE (not 1509 CE as catalogued). Reconciliation agreement between two partners, the goldsmiths Yūsuf b. Gedalya Ẓaʿir and Shalom b. Yeʿaqov Fayrūz. They will remain partners and treat each other well ("one heart and one intention") for another year and will divide all profits evenly. Witnesse: None.
Legal document. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Sunday, 14 Av 5430 AM, which is 1670 CE. Venue: House of Barukh Nasi nin Eliʿezer Ẓemaḥ. Shelomo Fayrūz b. Shemuel Fayrūz declares that he owes his wife Sitt al-Bayt bt. Yeshūʿa Fayrūz 21 esedi gurush ("al-gurush abī kalb"). He will repay the debt with 1 medin (nuṣf fiḍḍa) per day. Scribed and witnessed by Barukh Rofe. There is an addendum stating that he owes her an additional 4 gurush, which he will repay with 2 medins a day.
Karaite declaration of a debt owed by two partners to a third person.
Division of a a house given to 4 brothers by their mother.
Shalom Levi b. Ya'aqov is marrying his brother's daughter Aziza b. David.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom is Yosef b. Ishaq known as Hakim anf the bride Qamr d. Yeshu'a.
Karaite betrothal deed. Avraham is betrothing Esther d. Moshe Filadi in Purim.