16354 records found
List of various books, among which are biblical books, a commentary on Psalms mentioning various proper names (eg. Abū l-Majd ibn Bishr, Abū Saʿīd ibn al-Shomer, Yūsuf ibn al-Qadūrī). The Arabic marginalia mention other proper names. (Information from CUDL)
List of books in the hand of Meʾir b. Hillel b. Ṣadoq divided into three parts: gemarot, perushim, and sheʾelot. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document recording the sale of biblical books including codices of the Torah and of a targum to the Prophets, mentioning their prices in dirhams (90 dirhams, 120 dirhams). The parties are Elʿazar ha-Parnas ha-Shammash b. Hillel and Joseph b. Yefet (Information from CUDL)
List of Talmudic quotations, mainly from Bava Qamma. (Information from CUDL)
Astrological/astronomical jottings in Judaeo-Arabic.
Formulary for legal deeds, with quotations from responsa (frequent quotations of Binyamin Zeʾev - 16th century) followed by or with full description of the deed. (Information from CUDL)
Account of the qodesh ca. 1240. A record of pecuniary operations. Apparently legal matters and relations with the Muslim authorities now figure among the activities of the qodesh. Watchmen are engaged during the building operations; also an army officer, amir, is mentioned, and negotiations which were going on, al-Askar, the location of the government offices near Fustat. (Information from Gil, Documents, pp. 465 #139)
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Recto: list of the first lines of piyyuṭim. Verso: draft of the beginning of a letter with blessings and wishes for good luck and prosperity. (Information from CUDL)
List with quotations from Jeremiah and Ezekiel (in the righthand columns) and references to the rabbinical works that discuss them (in the left-hand columns). (Information from CUDL)
Verso: Book list in the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu (identification by Frenkel), written on the back of a letter addressed to his father Eliyyahu the Judge. Dating: early 13th century (Allony speculated 11th century, since none of the books are later than that). The book list mentions a translation of Deuteronomy, commentaries to biblical books (e.g. Psalms, Genesis, the Megillot), and a copy of Saʿadya’s Siddur on verso(?). (Information from CUDL.) NB: Allony et al. edited this manuscript under the name "T-S K23.27," which was either a mistake or the shelfmarks have changed. Also, there is no fragment at T-S K3.25.
Recto: Letter addressed to Eliyyahu the Judge. In Judaeo-Arabic. This is a letter of recommendation for the bearer, a Persian man (ʿajamī), who is suffering for various reasons (ḥamas/oppression and cold weather are mentioned) and who needs a riding animal to travel to Syria (al-Shām).
List of books in the hand of Shelomo b. Eliyyahu mentioning many halakhic works, including chapters 4 to 6 of the Ṭumaʾ ve-Tohara by Saʿadya Gaʾon, Ḥovot ha-Din by Shemuʾel b. Ḥofni, three halakhic treatises, Sefer ben Sira (אבן סירא), and Geʾonic commentaries on Ṭohorot. The fragment also mentions some biblical books and their commentaries. (Information from CUDL.) NB: Allony et al. edited this manuscript under the name "T-S K23.25–26," which was either a mistake or the shelfmarks have changed. Note also that T-S K23.25 either doesn't exist any more or has not been digitized.
Booklist. Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
List of rabbinic works (talmudic tractates and midrashim). (Information from CUDL)
Recto: accounts in Arabic and Hebrew script, mentioning Abū ʿAbdallā ibn al-Farakhī (אלפרכי). Verso: Coptic numerals. (Information from CUDL)
Numbered list of halakhot, probably for a book’s table of contents. (Information from CUDL)
List of books found in the estate of Yiṣḥaq b. Moshe, the local judge (nāʾib) of Sunbāṭ, in Lower Egypt. Dated: Jumāḍā II 545 AH, which is October 1150 CE. The list includes talmudic tractates, works by Isaac al-Fāsī, Hayy Gaʾon, Saʿadya Gaʾon, midrashim, responsa by Rabbi Joseph ha-Levi, and geonic responsa. (Information from CUDL and Goitein's index card.) T-S K3.32 (listing the books) and ENA 4020.60a (listing the goods) are part of the same inventory.
List of legal works, including Saʿadya’s Sefer ha-ʿEdot ve-ha-Sheṭarot. The verso probably has part of the name of the author or the owner of the list, […] Hillel nin […]. (Information from CUDL)
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.