16354 records found
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Leaf 2 contains Leviticus 4:14-24, carefully written and with Tiberian vocalisation. F. 1v is blank. F. 1r contains writing practice in a less expert hand, consisting of vocalised words or short phrases preceded by the initial consonant of the first word, marked with supralinear dots. (Information from CUDL)
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Leaves from a children’s Hebrew textbook. Alphabetical writing exercises on P1. Passage from Leviticus 1:5-8 with Tiberian vocalisation on P2. (Information from CUDL)
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Writing exercises consisting of the Hebrew alphabet in atbaš, abag-bagad and other groupings, and biblical passages from Exodus 1:1 and Genesis 25:19-22, unvocalised. (Information from CUDL)
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Passage from Leviticus 1:3-5, probably from a children’s Hebrew textbook. Arabic jottings on recto top right and other jottings on verso top left margin, both in different colours. (Information from CUDL)
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Part of a children’s Hebrew textbook with the alphabet ordered according to the scheme 1-8-15, 2-9-16, etc. (Information from CUDL)
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Writing exercises, mostly consisting of the alphabet vocalised with the various Tiberian vowels, in an unpractised hand. F. 1v is blank. (Informcation from CUDL)
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. Information from Goitein's note cards.
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Alphabetical writing practice, consisting of the atbash, on recto, and, on verso, the alphabet in reverse order. Both alphabets are followed by חזק. (Information from CUDL)
T-S K5, 16-40. Exercises of children, representing leters in various combinations and copies of the beginnings of the third and the first books of Moses. (Information from Goitein's note cards) Writing practice, consisting of the text of Genesis 1:1-3 by a trained hand, followed, underneath, by a cruder repetition. There are some stray ṣades. Verso is blank. (Information from CUDL)
Two songs with musical notation by Obadiah the Proselyte. See https://johannes-obadiah.org/, Obadiah Musical Compositions, Songs 2 and 3.
A letter (probably 11th century) in Judaeo-Arabic has been reused for writing exercises. Only the end of the exordium and the transition to the main subject matter of the letter has been preserved. It addresses a dignitary and refers to the honouring of his name at the festival of Purim, but goes on to talk about Passover. Verso consists of alphabetical writing exercises in a cruder hand, the alphabet forwards, backwards and in atbash. Some of the writing exercises spill over on to recto. (Information from CUDL)
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
List of payments in dirhams, mentioning Ibn al-Ṭufāl and Abū l-Qāsim. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts, mentioning Shemuʾel ha-Levi b. Menashshe and Ibn Saʿīd al-Dabaḥ. Accounts are in dirhams and fractions of dirhams. Commodities referred to include wood, oil, almonds, and grapes. (Information from CUDL)
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Awaiting description - see Goitein's index card.
Parchment fragment with pen trials and drawings. Recto: monumental Hebrew characters with full masoretic vocalization and decorative flourishes; a sun or other concentric shape with rays; and a pair of small houses, which Goitein (see index card) interprets as a Nile boat. Verso: basmala in Arabic script, Hebrew aleph-bet in order; ink blots that have been spread out with a pen. (MR, with thanks to RSK for rediscovering the fragment)
P1-P4: children’s Hebrew textbook with alphabetical exercises and some vocalised words. P5: part of a letter in Arabic. (Information from CUDL)
The end of a ketubba with a dowry list, referring to either Nathan or Jonathan. The list has been reused for writing practice, with many of the words repeated between the lines in a different hand. (Information from CUDL)