16354 records found
On verso an Arabic list - needs examination.
One line from a decree in Arabic script, apparently appointing a supervisor over something: بكتب هذا السجل لك باستخدامك في مشارفة الم؟؟؟؟. Join: Amir Ashur.
A formula of a letter to a notable
Small fragment from an official document (a decree?): "al-iqtāʿ in shāʾa llāh." There is smaller writing above and below this, and on verso there is piyyut.
Official letter/report. The ends of 6 lines are preserved. Difficult to make out any of the content. Reused on the other side for Hebrew piyyuṭ. Likely a join with T-S NS 209.25 and potentially related to the cluster T-S H11.90 + T-S NS 274.22 + T-S NS 114.79.
On verso remnants of a document in Arabic script. Rhyming (al-shuhūr... al-duhūr...). Needs examination.
An Arabic document is written in blank spaces of a literary Hebrew text- needs examination.
Unidentified document in Arabic script (accounts?). Used as structural support (part of the binding of the book?) for a bifolio containing piyyut.
Decree? Three lines preserved, wide space between them: واحضار . . . ال . . . من جزيرة بني [عمـ؟]ـر فالذي اعتمده في ذلك(؟) . . . مستوقف فاستخرج . . . المذكورين الى . . . Reused on verso for piyyut. Needs examination.
Legal document: bill of sale in which Makhlūf b. Jābir b. Nāṣir buys a house in al-Muʿizziyya (Cairo) from […] b. ʿAlī b. Ḥusayn b. Ibrahim b. ʿAlī, one of two trustees of Cairene legacies, under the supervision of Abū l-Ḥasan Masarra b. ʿAbdallāh. Makhlūf’s father, Jābir b. Nāṣir the miller, acts as his agent in the transaction. The house previously belonged to the wife of the amir, Sitt al-Dawla, and is apparently now intestate, hence the involvement of the trustees. 11th-12th century. On verso (recto as conserved) is a Hebrew liturgical text. (Information from Khan, ALAD)
Verso: Official correspondence in Arabic script. The beginnings of 4 lines are preserved. Mentions: "...ʿan al-mulaṭṭaf al-karīm..."
Few Arabic words on verso - needs examination.
Coptic numerals on verso - needs examination.
Large Arabic letter mentioning ships. Left side is burnt or at least discolored. On verso there is piyyut. Needs examination.
Petition, probably. In Arabic script. ~4 lines preserved. Refers to al-dīwān al-Mustanṣirī. On verso there is piyyut. Likely related to the cluster T-S H11.90 + T-S NS 274.22 + T-S NS 114.79.
Fiscal accounts, probably. The year is given (5[..] AH?) but is difficult to read. Folded into a bifolio and reused for poetry in Hebrew.
Accounts in Arabic script. Each entry is headed with a basmala. Abū l-ʿAlā' al-Dajājī owes 1 1/8 dinar; Ibn al-Muṭarriz(?) owes 6 dirhams minus something. Reused for Hebrew literary text.
Poem by the wife of Dunash b. Labrat.
Few Arabic words on the bottom of verso - needs examination.
Official letter: report or petition. Approximately 7 lines are preserved. The sender expresses his gratitude to the addressee, who may be referred to as al-mawlā al-shihāb(ī). Reused for piyyut on verso. Needs further examination.