16354 records found
Legal document draft. The undersigned witnesses attest to the appearance of a certain Yahuda ha-Kohen before a rabbinic court. The draft was left incomplete in line two following the mention of ha-Kohen. MCD.
Late letter of David Benjamin
Family Wednesday, 15th D{=}u{-} al-h{.}ijja - needs examination.
Debt contract. Fragment (upper left corner). In the hand of Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Dating: Probably 1100–27 CE, as there is no reshut formula. Someone acknowledges owing 24 dinars to Abū l-Faraj Yeshuʿa.
Fragment from a bill of release. Probably after payment of a debt owed to the orphans. Probably written by Natan b. Shelomo (active 1122–50 CE).
Letter of a woman, telling about her marital problems, written by Ḥalfon Ha-Levi b. Menashshe to the Gaon Masliah Ha-Kohen in Egypt. (Date: 1127-1138)
Legal document in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Fragment (upper left corner). Dating: Probably 1100–27 CE (based on the absence of titles for Maṣliaḥ Gaʾon?). Deed of gift or bill of release concerning the death of Ibn al-Najīb. Names mentioned: [...] b. Manṣūr al-Sharābī (ZL), Maḥfūẓa bt. b. Abū l-Faḍl known as Zayn al-Tujjār (ZL), Menahem, Yaʿaqov b. Yosef.
Fragment from a legal deed in the hand of Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Dating: Mentions 525 AH and [144]2 Seleucid, corresponding to1130/31 CE. Mentions a legal dispute in Muslim court with two Muslims named: Khalaf b. Ṣābir al-Dawla, and the Qāḍī ʿAbdallāh b. Ghālib. Concerning the sale of a shop and a sum of 12 dinars. Likely an indirect join with T-S NS 184.47.
Fragment from a letter by Yefet b. Menashshe to his brother Halfon.
Bill of release (שטר אביזאריה). Fragment (upper right corner). Location: Minyat Zifta. Dated: 2 Av 1433 Seleucid, which is 1122 CE. Shelomo b. Meshullam ha-Kohen known as Ibn Fasitqa (? פסיתקה) makes a declaration in favor of somebody.
Letter from Shelomo b. David Solal (Salmūn b. Dāʾūd) addressed to a certain Avraham. In Hebrew, in a late hand (ca. 17th century?). The sender may be the same as the Shelomo Solal mentioned in T-S 10J16.30, which looks like it comes from approximately the same period. Shelomo signs at the bottom left of recto, and his name appears in both Arabic and Hebrew script in the stamped seal on verso (in addition to a few other phrases). Catalogued as a letter of recommendation on FGP, but in fact it seems to be an official letter concerning a legal case involving Shemuel מהנה(?) who went to Egypt and sued the late Elʿazar. Needs further examination for the details.
legal document (bill of release of a claim). Written and signed by Eliyya b. David Ḥavriya. Dated: 1559/60 CE. Verso is blank.
Liturgical; translation of the liturgy (qorbanot) (identified by E. Gutwirth). In calligraphic Spanish (Latin script).
Letter to an Exilarch, concerning redemption of captives.
See PGP 23784
On verso a letter in late Hebrew, asking about the welfare of family members. The letter might been written by a wife or on her behalf. Addressed to Yosef (T-S NS 176.37 verso)
See PGP 23783
A faded letter in a late, cursive Spanish hand
recto: possibly from a preface of a letter; most of the space is devoted to a section in elevated Hebrew prose; verso: accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Very torn and faded, from the date only 970 is preserved, which is probably 4970 to the creation.