16354 records found
See PGP 23998
See PGP 23998
Late business account.
See PGP 24003
See PGP 24003
Legal deed written and signed by Halfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Small fragment (lower left corner). Mentions: al-ʿadanī ("from Aden," either a commodity or a person); bales of lac; Abū Saʿīd; goods worth 700 dinars deposited in a warehouse by Abū Sulaymān Dāʾūd with Sālim; and Isḥāq al-Nafūsī (a well-known India trader). Two copies of this deed were written, one to stay in Fustat and one to travel "with him." Also signed by [Avraham b. Shemaʿya he-Ḥaver the descendant of Shem]aʿyahu Gaon. AA. ASE.
Small fragment from a letter. Ben Elisha and Alexandria are mentioned.
3 lines from a letter
Minute fragment from an Arabic document
Small fragment from a letter. Mentioning Abu al-Surur b. Ghalib who is in Fustat and Abu al-Najm. Too little text to identify.
Letter from Abū Zikrī to Abū Saʿīd Halfon b. Moshe, Trustee of the Yeshiva. This person is unknown and is not listed in Goitein's index cards or the cards of the India book documents. Refers to Mahruz b. Ya'aqov, who is known from India Book documents. In the margins is a reference to someone who left a year ago about whom the Kārim hadn't sent any information, and who hadn't arrive in Aydhab. Abū Zikrī is afraid that he would stay in the East for two years. This person is likely to be Halfon ha-Levi b. Nethanel, who traveled to India, but instead of returning to Egypt after a year stayed in the East for two years. See India Book IV/A p. 142. AA
Fragment a bill of compromise written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Minute fragment of a letter
Minute fragment from a letter mentioning Our great Rabbi
Small fragment from a legal deed, probably written by Hillel b. Eli (Date: 1055-1108)
Damaged letter, the content is unclear
Small fragment from a legal deed regarding a passageway belong Efraim the Elder and his wife (?). Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi (Date: 1100-1138)
Rental Deed issued in Alexandria, 1595. Ya'aqov Casrto is renting to Yosef Lohmit. Signed by Moshe Ajiman and Hayyim al-Ashkar. (Info from FGP)