16354 records found
Very damaged and faded fragment of a legal deed signed by Aharon b, Nethan'el
Minute fragment written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi
List of names in a very cursive hand
Minute fragment from the bottom part of a legal deed written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi under the authority of Masliah Gaon (date: 1127-1138)
Few words from an account
Very damaged and almost unreadable business letter with accounts on verso
List of contributors or people who get community support. Among the names we can find Musa al-Lebdi, probably a descendance of the famous Indian trader Lebdi. It is less likely that Musa b. Avraham Lebdi (Mid. 11th century) is intended here because this document seems to be from the 13th century or latter. AA
Letter to 'our master'. Probably ask for financial support. The writer is a butcher and hardly make enough money to provide himself. Abu Tahir is holding 15 dirhams for him. AA
Late account, the currency is Florins and maidis
12th century account
Fragment of an unknown nature, probably a personal prayer for visiting Jerusalem
List of names, probably for support from the community
See PGP 20645