7476 records found
Recto: Letter fragment. In Hebrew. Conveying mainly flowery greetings and expressions of pain due to separation and excuses for not writing earlier—it seems mainly because of the writer's recently born children. There are also writing exercises in Arabic script. Verso: Literary text in Judaeo-Arabic, pertaining to Maimonides's correspondence with the Sages of Provence, including R. Yehonatan ha-Kohen of Lunel, concerning the resurrection of the dead and Maimonides's treatise on this subject. The subsequent text block may be related; it is written in poetic Hebrew. This page also contains a third text block in Arabic script: يسال موسى عن ال . . . . . . تكون . . . جاير عالي شي . . . . . . . . . بجواب . . . . . . . . . . عليه شك . . . .
Verso: Informal note in Arabic script. ما هوذا يستقر لي معك قول صحيح امضي للحمام اليوم حتى اجي بلعشى واعرفك ايش افعل فقد جتني المرة الذي معها المعجر وقالت انه جاب ثلثة دنانير فقلت لها استقضي والسلم. The whole note is mysterious, but it may be approximately as follows: "I cannot accept that what you said is true. Go to the bathhouse today until I come to you in the evening and inform you what I will do. The woman who had the miʿjar (wimple or veil) came and said that it sold (or: would sell) for 3 dinars, so I told her 'go demand it!' And peace." ASE
Legal document in the distinctive hand of Elḥanan b. Shemarya. This is a notification (moda'a) that the release that Ṣāliḥ granted a certain Nāshī is invalid because it was coerced. On the back are a few lines in Arabic script - perhaps addressed to a woman (see separate record).
List with an entry in a late hand in an otherwise empty page.
Letter from Nissim Masos (? משוש) to Karo y Frances & Company. Dating: Late 18th or early 19th century. In Judaeo-Arabic. Needs examination for content.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably 18th or 19th century. May even belong with the neighboring shelfmarks. Many names are mentioned, including Pinto.
Letter (ending only) addressed to David b. Naʿim and Moshe b. Naʿim. Written in Judaeo-Arabic (body) and Ladino (address). Dating: Late 18th or early 19th century. Needs examination for content. May belong with one or more of the nearby shelfmarks.
Responsum to Hodayahu ha-Nasi who lived around Avraham Maimonides' time. See a parallel in T-S 10G5.3. The question deals with a last testament and an inheritance
Letter addressed to Abu Ali and Abu Mansur from Abu Majd and Abu al-Faraj. The writers instruct the recipients to provide the needs of Abu al-Fadl. What looks like a poem on the back.
Letter from Yosef b. Avraham b. Bundar to Sulayman b. Abu Zikri Kohen denying misappropriation of a deposit. Aden, 1152.
Letter from Daniel b. Azarya. The letter was later covered in large writing excercises in Arabic script.
Letter in the hand of Daniel b. Azarya (Gil) to ʿEli b. ʿAmram. Daniel b. Azarya refers to notebooks of responsa (including some by Samuel b. Ḥofnī) that he would like copied by an expert scribe on good quality paper - not Egyptian paper, he says, but rather Andalusī (Spain) or Iṭrābulusī (Tripoli) paper. (Information from Gil, Palestine) On the back is a literary text.
Letter from David b. Daniel asking to arrange a short meeting. (See Gil, Palestine, volume 1, sec. 905.)
Petition in Judaeo-Arabic to the Nagid. Mentioning real estate and rent. The handwriting is likely that of the clerk of Yehoshua Maimonides.
Account of items, names and prices.
See PGP 20645
See PGP 20645
Account of three weeks worth of expenses. 1448 wariq (silver) dirhems in total
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. In a late (Yemeni?) hand.
List of expenses regarding building according to date? ENA 4047.4 is related.