7476 records found
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.19 + ENA 641.21 + ENA 641.23. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.20 + ENA 641.22 + ENA 641.24. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.19 + ENA 641.21 + ENA 641.23. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.19 + ENA 641.21 + ENA 641.23. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Official letter. After the basmala one reads :ʾaṭāla llāh baqāhā wa-ʾadāma taʾyīdahā wa-ʿalāhā (l. 2), ʿārafahu bi-mā li-l-ḥadra al-sāmiyya al-ʾaǧalliyya al-raʾīsiyya (l. 3), ʿalā al-ḥadrat al-mawlā al-ʾaǧall waladihā (l. 5), taḥmīl (or: bi-jamīl) al-raʾy al-šarīf, ǧaʿala llāh al-riyasa ʿalā al-ṭāʾiʿīn (l. 6), ʾinnī iǧtmaʿtu bi-ḥadrat mawlāya al-šayḫ al-ʾaǧall (l. 7). L. 12 mentions something that "deserves an increase" (istaḥaqqa or astaḥiqqu l-ziyāda)—maybe the sender is asking for a raise. L. 14 mentions a mukātaba ʾilā al-ḥadra al-ʾaǧalliyya al-raʾīsiyya.
Decree to a lower official commanding him to retrieve bricks and everything belonging to the government from a certain location (a ruined mosque?); and from other ruined mosques; and to assert the government's authority over the aforementioned mill.
The text is badly damaged but one can read ʾišhād fulān ʾišhād fulān (l. 3)
Several words written in a thick pen a trial of the pen. Among others one reads the words šayʾ, ḍāʿaf Allāh
Legal query and responsum in Arabic script. The query is written in a tiny handwriting with a thin pen, begins with the words ʾallaḏī ... wa-yašhad bihi ʾaṭāla llāh baqā ḥaḍrat mawlāya al-qāḍī al-ʾaǧall. The responsum, written with thick pen, reads among other things qad ḫaraǧa ʾamrunā ʾilayhim bi-miṯl ḏālik wa qad taqaddamnā ʾilayhim ...
State document, Fatimid, probably a decree fragment, 4 lines. Begins with وعاد بنجابتهما وحسن in a dual tense suggesting that it was addressed to two officials. The second line is crossed out and seems like a pen-trial of the first line. The third line mentions appointment in a position for someone (caliph?); wa lahu mutnaṣṣibīn, and the expectation that the appointees will strive for the duty; wa fīhi mujiddīn, and ascertain something; wa-li-yataḥaqqa. The last line mentions their accountability to the task assigned; masʾūlān ʿanhā muṭālibīn.
Pen trial consisting of three basmala
Marriage document. Long a narrow fragment from a ketubah, with only a few words surviving. The hand is by Mevorakh b. Nathan, and the נגיד הגולה (the Nagid of the Diaspora) who is referred to in the first line is Shemuʾel b. Ḥananya ha-Nagid, so we can date to 1150–1160. Hebrew, Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic. Arabic diacritic above one word. On line 5 an end of an Arabic word in Arabic script? AA
Multifragment. There are two different letters in Judaeo-Arabic stuck together. The larger one mentions Qayrawān; various business matters; and the health of the body. The tone is aggrieved. The smaller one needs preservation, and may still be too small to read.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, very detailed. Addressed to a business partner (yā sīdī). "I have sent you the account of the goods that I shiipped on the boats . . ."
Bill of divorce. Dated: 1331 Seleucid, which is 1019/20 CE. Wife: [...] bt. Seʿadya. Written and signed by [Davi]d b. Shekhanya, also signed by Shelomo b. Avraham
Bill of divorce from a betrothal (erusin). Very faded. No signatures. Dated: Looks like [4]903 AM, which would be 1142/43 CE.
Qaraite bill of divorce formulary
Bill of divorce (get). Fragment (left side). Dated: 135[.] Seleucid, which corresponds to the range 1038–48 CE. Wife: [...] bt. Yeshuʿa. Written and signed by [Yefet] b. David the cantor.
Bill of divorce. Written and signed by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Dated: Friday, 25 Iyyar 1439 Seleucid, which is 1128 CE. Husband: Natan b. Shela. Wife: Sitt al-Dalāl bt. Mevasser known as Bishāra the freedman. Also signed by Ḥalfon b. Ghālib. There is confirmation of receipt on verso.
Bill of divorce. Dated: Tuesday, 8 Nisan 1435 Seleucid, which is 1124 CE. Written by Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Husband: Yeshuʿa b. Shelomo ha-Kohen. Wife: Sitt al-Banāt bt. Nuʿmān ha-Kohen. Signed by the teacher Yiṣḥaq b. Ḥayyim Nafūsī. Menashshe b. ʿAmram is the witness for the delivery of the bill of divorce to the wife (on verso). See also T-S NS 226.21.