7476 records found
Letter from Shemuel b. Sīd. In Hebrew. Dating: 1600–35 CE, based on Avraham David's assessment. It is unclear whether Shemuel wrote this letter while still living in Egypt or when living in Jerusalem (as he did from the 1620s until his death in 1635); David leans to the latter option, based on the reference to the 'donation for Jerusalem.' Shemuel provides a recommendation for a teacher named Ḥayyim who is in need. He also asks the addressee to send him a donation of 50 grossos (? גורושוש) 'for Jerusalem,' for he has a debt of this amount. He also asks to be sent the money from "the sale of the knives, for it is not hidden from you that the period has arrived of dispersing (funds) more than fifths." (Information from FGP.)
Accounts of a ritual slaughterer (shoḥeṭ). The notes of a shoḥeṭ listing the sums paid by each butcher, their names, and the numbers of cattle. Other details, like quantity received, are summarized. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
List of luxury garments and jewels belonging to or that were sold to various people (headers: "the wife of my paternal uncle... for sale... that which was sold... for the young woman...."). Part of it might be related to a dowry.
Letter. In Hebrew. Dating: Probably no earlier than 17th century. Appears to be a form letter of recommendation filled out on behalf of one Seʿadya Ẓami'el ('who lives in Fez'?). But needs further examination.
Letter. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Early 13th century, as Eliyyahu the Judge is mentioned. The writer greets the addressee as 'brother' and gives him a report on his family members. It seems the addressee's mother is in a particularly poor state. Munā b. Ḥiyyā and Abū l-Tāhir b. al-Quḍāʿī were staying with the writer's family. The writer struggled to pay the capitation tax (12 dirhams). He complains that he is all alone ('I have no one to wet my throat or give me a thread of silk'). The addressee's brother Surūr had a son born to him, given the name Bū l-Faḍl, on the day this letter was written. "Tell us whether you have found a stable situation, so that we can take the old woman [and move?] to you." Regards from the addressee's sisters and brothers-in-law. The writer asks for news of Bū l-ʿAlā and says to tell him that his children are unemployed and their rent is due, "and if we the men have been overwhelmed, how should they be?" The writer complains about his own unemployment and rent due. He reports on prices for silk and wheat and at least one other commodity; it seems they were bad before, but have now somewhat improved. "Let the response be quick, lest you earn the sins of your mother." The addressee is asked to meet with Eliyyahu the Judge on the writer's behalf. ASE
Agreement to nominate a Dayyan in the Maghrebi congregation (FGP)
Legal. Engagement (shiddukhin) contract. Dating: No earlier than 1697 CE, based on the mention of the coin (zer-i) maḥbūb. Groom: Yosef b. Yaʿaqov Najjār. Bride: Ḥanna bt. Hillel אלחירקו(?), a widow. There follows a trousseau list and conditions. Currency: maḥbūb. On the facing page there is another list (also a trousseau list?) in a different hand. Several of the items are written in Ladino.
Legal deed. In Judaeo-Arabic. Location: New Cairo. Dated: End of Sivan 14[..] Seleucid, which is 1089–1188 CE. Very faded.
Marriage document. Minute fragment from a ketubah. It seems that the mohar is 12½ zuz (only the word ופלגי [= and a half] is visible). For this sum and its Babylonian influence see Friedman, Jewish Marriage in Palestine 1:253. AA
Marriage document, probably. Narrow strip.
Marriage document. A large damaged piece from a ketubah, from the 12th century, 1127 onward, based on the title יהי שמו לעולם כירח יכון עולם, which started to appear during the tenure of Maṣliaḥ Gaon as the Head of the Jews. The groom’s name is Nisin b. David. The bride Dāra bat Avraham b. ‘Amram. Hebrew, Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic. AA
Marriage document. Fragment from a damaged ketubah. The groom is Ḥalfon ha-Kohen. The name of his father and bride are not preserved. Part of the dowry list is visible. 12th century. Hebrew, Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic
Legal document in Hebrew. Dating: Probably 11th century if not earlier. Might be a join with ENA 3656.1, but it is too hard to tell. Mentions: Fustat, ʿEli b. [...], [...] bt. Rāsī(??) b. Yiṣḥaq, Sūq al-Ṣarf, the 24 portions of a house, "to my husband Suqayr."
Legal document. Fragment from a Hebrew bill of release, 10-11th century. Contains reference to A Muslim legal document and which is invalid and can not be accepted. Shlomo Halevi, Ya'aqov b. […] and Yosef are mentioned. No signatures survived. Hebrew. AA
Fragment of a ketubba. Eight lines from the trousseau list, mentioning such things as necklaces of yellow amber (salāsil kārib, which Goitein understands as kahrubāʾ), two chests (? כשכולין), and fifty trunks (ṣundūq). (Information from Goitein’s index card)
Ketubba (marriage contract). Groom: Ṣedaqa ha-Kohen. The bride is a virgin. The conditions include arrangements for portions of houses. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
Legal fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic. Involving Binyamin b. Avraham. Needs conservation. There are also two other minuscule fragments sharing this shelfmark.
Marriage document. Fragment from a ketubah, probably written by Hillel b. ʿEli (1066-1108), from Fustat. Only part of the date is preserved: Tuesday, 19th of […]. From the names of the parties only the bride’s father’s name survived: מסבאע. Hebrew and Aramaic. AA
Legal document. Damaged fragment of a bill of sale of immovable property. 10-11th century. Name mentioned: Ya'aqov b. Dav[id]. Hebrew. AA