743 records found
Letter in the name of the yeshiva, probably by Eliyyahu ha-Kohen b. Shelomo Gaon, to the communities of Egypt, probably October 1057. NB: This shelfmark does not exist. Gil's edition is based on Harkavy's edition.
Literary collection of poetry and prose relating to Anatoli b. Yosef. Dating: Perhaps 13th or 14th century, some time after the death of Anatoli. The headings are quite interesting, and of documentary value: e.g., What Anatoli wrote to R. Shemuel the week of the earthquake; R. Shemuel's response; by Anatoli, addressing R. Moshe Ḥazzan; what his nephew Abū l-Surūr sent him; by Anatoli, concerning drinking and wine; what R. Peraḥya ha-Zaqen Ḥalabī wrote to Anatoli; Anatoli's response; Peraḥya's response; what R. Shemuel Nafūsī wrote to Anatoli when he left Sicily (or maybe Palermo); what R. Shemuel wrote him when he traveled to Māzar; from the letter that Abū l-Faḍl wrote to him. According to the FGP bibliography, this manuscript was edited by Elisheva Hacohen, שירי ר' אנטולי בר יוסף, in 1995/96. There may still be other items of documentary interest under Yevr. II A 104. ASE.
Marriage contract, Qaraite. Formulary. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: 5537 AM, which is 1776/77 CE.
There are 13 items under this shelfmark. 105/13: Letter of appeal for charity from Ṭoviya Ashkenazi. In Hebrew. Dating: Catalogued as 16th century.
Karaite ketubah of Esther known as Qamr d. Avraham Hakohen b. Ya'aqov with the groom Elazar. Dated 23rd Shewat, 5414 (1654)
Court record. Location: Istanbul (קושטנדינה). Dated: Nisan 5401 AM, which is March/April 1641 CE. David b. Avraham Levi and his brother Yosef b. Avraham Levi and their wives Irinia (אירינייא) bt. Kalev Cuchino (? קוגינו) and Senyerola (? שיניירולה) bt. Yiṣḥaq Mazal Ṭov attest that they are giving to their sister Rika bt. Avraham Levi all their rights to the shop inherited from their late father in Ankara (מדינת אנגורה) in the market of Mahmut Pasha in the section of the jewelers (לצד הקויימגיש). Unsigned. This document was folded in half, and one one of the halves on verso (at 90 degrees to the text on recto) there is a draft of a legal document in the same handwriting, concerning the marriage conditions of Rika and Moshe, with the dowry and payments adding up to 500 gurush.
Qaraite bill of divorce. Location: apparently Baghdad, but it is not clear how this is known. Dated: 6 Iyyar 5571 AM = 30 April 1811 CE. Husband: ʿAṭāʾ b. Murād ha-Levi (spelled מרייד with imāla, so maybe Murayyid). Wife: Sharḥ or maybe Seraḥ bt. David known as Davida ha-Levi .There are three witnesses, two of whom have elaborate signatures and "Sason" somewhere in their names.
List of deceased persons among them Sahlan Rosh Haseder (d. 1051)
Karaite betrothal deed between Avraham b. Yosef b. Ya'aqov and Esther known as Ohalo d. Yish'aya b. Nahum. Dated 17th Adar I, 5512 Era of creation, Cairo.
An agreement between a betrothed couple. Yosef b. David known Fairouz b. Zemah is taking upon himself to write a conditional bill of divorce to his wife-to-be (described here as deflowered- probably a divorcee from previous marriage) Esther known as Badra d. Ishaq b. Elisha known as Naqash. The bill of divorce will become valid if he will not return on a set date. Dated Tuesday, 8th Elul 5549 Era of creation. See also Yevr. II A 1267. AA
Approval about paying a debt. Dated Tusday, 3rd Nisan, 5443 Era of creation
On recto bill of sale. On verso bill of release. Both from Constantinople 1524
Short Karaite betrothal agreement from Cairo 1699
A Karaite ketuba dated Wednesday, 8th Kislev 5448 Era of creation and 1999 Era of documents (1687), from Cairo. The groom is Aharon b. Barukh b. El'azar, the physician, the bride is Esther known as Sultana d. Yosef b. Yeshu'a. AA
bill of release between Barukh Nasi b. Eliezer the Karaite and Shabetay b, Mordechai Shabat the Rabbinate, regarding a place of work where he keeps his equipment. Friday 9th of Adar II, 5404 Era of creation.
Karaite betrothal deed from Cairo. Dated Tuesday, 11th Tamuz 5525 Era of creation (1765), The groom is Yosef b. Gedalyah b. Aharon and the bride is Esther known as Mas'uda d. Sa'd b. 'Ezer b. Yeshu'a
A letter of appeal to the community of Constantinople asking to help an orphan young lady. Written by Aharon b. Shelomo.
An agreement to write a conditional bill of divorce to his future wife if he will fail to return home in a set date. The groom is 'Aziel b. 'Aziel b. Yeshu'a and the bride Esther known as 'Aziza d. Yehuda b. Menashshe. Monday 29th Tishrei 5560 (1799). See also Yevr. II A 1254. AA
Karaite betrothal deed. Gedalya b. Ovadya b. Gedalya is betrothing Esther known as Rachel d. Nahum b. Yeshu'a. Dated Friday 14th Adar I, 5463 Era of creation (1703)
Karaite betrothal deed. Mordechai b. El'azar b. Aharon is betrothing Esther d. Ya'aqov b. Avraham. Dated Monday, 8th Adar I, 5398 Era of creation (1638).