743 records found
Agreement to pay a debt.
Elaborate Karaite ketubba, dated both according to the creation and to the 'counting of the Greeks'. The groom Yosef b. Mordechai b. Shalom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years but if his wife Esther bt. Ḥayyīm ha-Kohen will be childless he can marry another after 10 years. He also commits not to curse her family. Line four states that the ketubba was recorded before "the elders and undersigned witnesses," which include: the scribe Yosef Melamed, Musi ʿUziel, and Avraham[?] ben Aharon Barma[?]. The borders of the ketubba feature a gorgeous floral design.
Karaite bill of divorce (get)
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can take another wife after 10 years. He also can not travel to Damascus or Constantinople for 20 years but permitted to go to Jerusalem.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 10 years, unless his wife will become childless and not to harm her or her relatives.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, unless his wife will become childless- than he can marry another after 10 years, and not to harm her or her relatives.
Karaite betrothal deed, contains the common stipulations found in this period: The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years unless his wife is childless for 10 years. Also not to travel outside of Egypt-except for Jerusalem.
Karaite betrothal deed, contains the common stipulations found in this period: The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 10 years unless his wife is childless. Also not to travel outside of Egypt-except for Jerusalem for 10 years.
A long letter from a Yequtiel b. Siman Tov to his mother. He intended to go from Alexandria to Constantinople, but was tempted by his brother to go to Petraz (today in Serbia) and took advantage on him. He was managed to leave this town and marry a good woman in a another town who was considered to be a virgin. Unfortunately he was discovered that she was a widow and he was fooled by the match maker. The match maker told him that he didn't fooled him, but used the Arabic term, which he understood it mistakenly. He is trying to solve this situation and cancel the marriage.
Karaite betrothal deed, contains the common stipulations found in this period: The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years unless his wife is childless for 10 years. Also not to travel outside of Egypt-except for Jerusalem.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom is taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years unless his wife will be childless after 10 years - as commonly found in Karaite marriage agreements of this period.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can take another wife after 10 years. He also can not travel outside Egypt 20 years but is permitted to go to Jerusalem.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can take another wife after 10 years. He also can not travel to Damascus or Constantinople for 20 years but permitted to go to Jerusalem.
Unfinished Karaite betrothal deed. Contains mostly the monetary issues.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself can not travel to outside of Egypt for 20 years but permitted to go to Jerusalem. The bride is described as deflowered.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 10 years, but if his wife will become childless he can take another wife after 5 years. The bride is deflowered.
Karaite betrothal deed. The groom taking upon himself not to marry another wife for 20 years, but if his wife will become childless he can take another wife after 10 years.
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 14 Kislev 5527 AM, which is 1766/67 CE. Groom: Moshe b. Yosef b. Aharon. Bride: Miryam bt. Yaʿaqov b. Moshe Melammed; not a virgin. Basic marriage payment: 25 silver pieces + a gold ring + 1775 large medins ("large halves"). Early marriage payment: 100 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 400 large medins. Bride's agent: her father. She attests that she has received the basic and early marriage gifts. He attests that he will not take a second wife for the first 10 years if she bears a child, or for the first 5 years if she does not. Witnesses: Eliyyahu b. Moshe Rofe known as Ẓaʿir; Moshe Fayrūz; Yefet Fayrūz.
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Sunday, 20 Sivan 5448 AM, which is 1688 CE. Groom: Yeshuʿa b. Avraham ha-Ḥakham ha-Rofe b. Aharon ha-Rofe ha-Ḥakham. Bride: Esther bt. Yaʿaqov b. David ha-Ḥazzan, virgin. Basic marriage payment: 50 silver pieces + a gold ring + 1760 large medins ("large halves"). Early marriage payment: 200 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 1000 large medins. Bride's agent: It seems her father's cousin, Aharon (but this is not completely clear). Among the conditions is that the groom agrees not to move away from Fustat/Cairo for 20 years, "for example to Damascus or Istanbul," except to Jerusalem. He will also have to pay her 15 silver pieces if he ever beats her in the first 20 years of marraige. Witnesses: Barukh Rofe; Yosef Rofe; Shemuel Melammed; Moshe Ḥazzan.
Betrothal document, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 23 Tevet 5414 AM, which is 1653/54 CE. Groom: Yosef ha-Kohen b. Avraham b. Yosef. Bride: Badra bt. Shemuel ha-Levi b. Avraham ha-Levi ha-Melammed, virgin. Basic marriage payment: 50 silver pieces + a gold ring + 1500 regular medins + 60 large medins. Early marriage payment: 200 large medins. Delayed marriage payment: 800 large medins. The rest of the fragment is missing.