743 records found
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, which should be 1618 CE. Contains a lengthy genealogy of Qaraite Nasis all the way to Adam ha-Rishon. For the genealogy, see Yevr. II A 1318 (either a cleaner copy of the same document, or just a different document produced for a different circumcision in the same month). There are additional genealogical entries in the upper margin, written in the style of Genesis, and describing migrations between Damascus and Fustat/Cairo. The first entry is confusingly dated Thursday, 23 Sivan 5613 AM, which is 1853 CE. It is not out of the question that the scribe meant to write שלש but forgot the ל. Nor is it out of the question that a latter-day Nasi reused the document. Needs further examination.
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Calligraphic, with a decorated margin. Location: Cairo. Dated: Monday, 6 Adar I 5377 AM, which is 1617 CE. Also dated 1929 Seleucid, which should be 1618 CE. Contains a lengthy genealogy of Qaraite Nasis that probably extended all the way to Adam ha-Rishon, but the bottom of the document is torn off. (1) Pedayahu David b. (2) Pedayahu Aharon b. (3) Elieʿezer Ẓemaḥ b. (4) Pedayahu Aharon ha-Zaqen b. (5) Eliyyahu Yakhin b. (6) Sar Shalom b. (7) Yoshiyyahu Moshe b. (8) Amaẓyahu Yosef b. (9) Eliezer Ẓemaḥ b. (10) Shelomo b. (11) David the martyr b. (12) Shelomo b. (13) Yoshiyyahu Moshe b. (14) Boʿaz b. (15) ʿOvadya b. (16) Shelomo b. (17) David b. (18) Ḥisda'el b. (19) Yeḥizqiyahu b. (20) Shelomo b. (21) David the exegete b. (22) Boʿaz b. (23) Yehoshafaṭ b. (24) Yoshiyyahu b. (25) Sha'ul b. (26) ʿAnan b. (27) David b. (28) Bustanay b. (29) Ḥaninay b. (30) Kafnay, etc. etc. etc.
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Cairo. Dated: Wednesday, 20 Tevet 1771 Seleucid, which is 1459/60 CE. (1) Shemuel Faraj'el b. (2) Ḥananyahu Avraham b. (3) Shelomo b. (4) ʿOvadyahu b. (5) David b. (6) Shelomo b. (7) Amaẓyahu Yosef b. (8) Shelomo b. (9) David b. (10) Ḥisday b. (11) Yeḥizqiyahu b. (12) Shelomo b. (13) David the exegete b. (14) Boʿaz b. (15) Yehoshafaṭ b. [Yoshiyyahu b. Sha'ul b. ʿAnan etc. etc. etc.]
Circumcision certificate, Qaraite. Location: Damascus. Dated: Tuesday, [..] Adar II 1752 Seleucid, which is 1441 CE. (1) Eliyyahu ʿAbd al-Raḥmān b. (2) Avraham b. (3) [X] b. (4) David b. (5) [X] b. (6) ʿUzziyahu b. (7) Eliezer Ẓemaḥ b. (8) [X] b. (9) Yeḥizqiyyahu b. (10) Shelomo b. (11) David the exegete b. (12) Boʿaz b. (13) [Yehoshafaṭ] b. (14) Yoshiyyahu b. (15) Sha'ul b. (16) ʿAnan etc. etc. etc.
Ketubba formulary. Dating: Unknown. Catalogued as 15th–17th century.
Ketubba formulary or draft. Sample date: Shevat [1]971 Seleucid, which is 1660 CE. Sample groom: Naḥum ha-Kohen.
List of notables of the Karaite community. Location: Probably Chufut-Kale, Crimea (and not Cairo, as catalogued). Dated: 18 Iyyar 5565 AM, which is 1805 CE. The list begins with the Av Bet Din Binyamin Agha b. Shemuel Agha, on whom see Nemoy, "Isaac ben Solomon on the Karaite Creed," JQR 80 1/2 (1989), 49–85.
Memorial list, Qaraite. Dating: Unknown; catalogued as 18th century.
Memorial list, Qaraite. Dating: Unknown; catalogued as 18th century.
Ketubbas or copies of ketubbas, Qaraite. There seem to be two different fragmentary documents, preserved on separate pages of a codex or ledger. Some of the names survive, but neither of the documents survives in full. Dating: Unknown; catalogued as 18th century.
Letter addressed to Avraham Kohen, in Istanbul. Dated: Shevat 5409 AM, which is 1649 CE. In Hebrew. "We have not received any letter from you for two years. I, and your children, and thier mother, and everyone in your house are distress on your account. You said that 'I will come to you within a year,' and now two years have passed and you have not come or sent us anything." The addressee is urged to return. Regards from the addressee's sons Yosef and Yaʿaqov and the little boy, and from numerous other family members and friends. Shemuel Ḥazzan b. Yaʿaqov Ḥazzan died in Ḥeshvan. Regards to the entire Qaraite community of Istanbul.
Memorial list, Qaraite. For the Fayrūz family. Dating: Probably 18th or 19th century.
Formularies for marriage documents.
Includes 6 different shelfmarks. Most are literary, but the fragment 3 contains a copy of a letter yo Hasdai the Nassi
Literary. List of the beginnings of the chapters of Nakh.
Documentary per FGP - needs examination. Includes 15 different shelfmarks. There are several documentary ones, but all may be Ashkenazi/non-Geniza.
Letter or letters. Ashkenazi. Dating: 1836 CE. Needs examination.
Ownership note in a liturgical book. "The property of the dear boy ʿAbd al-Khāliq b. ʿAbd al-Laṭīf b. ʿAbd al-Karīm (ZL) b. Yūsuf (ZL) known as Ibn [...]." Dating: Unknown; catalogued as 16th century
Non-Geniza. Letter addressed to the Qaraite judge Shemuel b. Avraham, in Troki. Dating: Probably 5560 AM, which is 1800 CE.
Non-Geniza. Legal document or documents. Dating: Catalouged as 1779 CE.