Tag: responsum

177 records found
Responsum in the hand of Maimonides. See Ben Outhwaite, "Two New Responsa of Moses Maimonides." [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, April 2007]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.34048
Letter in Ladino with part of a responsum on verso.
Responsum signed by Avraham Monson (d. 1619). In Hebrew. Dating: 16th or 17th century. Regarding a resident of Cairo who loaned his own money and the money of the orphans to a powerful Jew in the district of Damietta. The latter, instead of paying back his debt, gave the creditor a position in Damietta. But his wife refused to leave Cairo. Information from FGP.
Probably part of a responsum, mentioning the name [...] b. A[b]ishai. (Information from CUDL)
Fragments of responsum by a Gaon, dealing with children of female slaves.
Copy of a responsum of R. Semah Dayyana de-Baba (Judge of the Gate, active ca. 870 CE). The transcription below begins on line 14 of recto. T-S A26.136 and T-S Misc.25.6 may be related (per FGP).
Query to the Gaon Shelomo b. Yehuda (lines 1–7), with his responsum below (lines 8–15). See also PGPID 31556.
Rough draft of a question probably sent to a Gaon in Palestine.
Query to Avraham Maimonides.
Responsum of a Babylonian Gaon.
Responsum from Shelomo b. Yehuda Gaon, in the hand of his son Avraham, regarding levirate marriage, Palestine.
Fragments of responsum by a Gaon, dealing with children of female slaves.
Segment of a responsum regarding a child of a female slave.
Responsa in Avraham Ibn Yiju's hand: legitimacy of a manumitted female slave's marriage and status of her children, Yemen, ca. 1140.
Responsum of the Gaon Shelomo b. Yehuda concerning a woman who proselytized for a man.
Responsum of R. Hayya Gaon in the Arabic original.
Responsa. Responsaum of הרא"ש כלל סו, סימן ז. AA
Responsum, probably from the eleventh century, regarding the marriage of Reuben with a female slave in India. See also PGPID 5544.
Responsa in Avraham Ibn Yiju's hand: legitimacy of a manumitted female slave's marriage and status of her children, Yemen, ca. 1140. See also PGPID 1347.
Responsum regarding polygyny. Only the relevant passages in this responsum are brought in this work.