16354 records found
A short note written by Avraham Maimonides. Ordering Eliyyahu the judge to pay capitation tax to R. Zakkay the teacher and Ibrāhīm the beadle. AA
Distribution of wheat. Late
Late letter?
Treatise in Ladino. Possibly medical.
Small fragment from an account.
Calculation. On top some Hebrew phrases on charity. Late
Small fragment from account
Letter sent from Damietta to Khalīfa [...], in Fustat/Cairo. In Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Probably account
See PGP 22598
Contribution for the poor
Late letter to David ibn Naim
Accounts in Ladino. Needs examination.
Probably a list of debts, but the hand is very cursive to be able to read correctly
Probably a report or official correspondence in Arabic script. In a chancery hand. Portions of 8 lines from the main text block are preserved, and 2 lines in the margin. It is difficult to read more than a few words: al-ḍayʿa... jamīʿ... dhālika... wa-fī l-wājib wa-l-ighnām(?).... On verso there are jottings in Hebrew script. Merits further examination.
Late account
Letter, probably. In Judaeo-Arabic. Late. Needs examination.
Few words in a very crude and childish hand, of an unknown nature
An unidentified list